Chapter 21

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Spiderheart staggered into the open, still shocked by the loss of his mother, with Sweetpaw at his side, purring soft words. Sparklight, who seemed to have recovered from the worst of her grief, bounded over as Needlestar called a meeting.

Sweetpaw veered Spiderheart toward his leader and the two of them sat between Birdflutter and Flowertooth. Cherryspirit and Blossomwing watched from the entrance to the nursery but Halfwhisker and Tawnyflower sat among their clanmates.

"Today, I have tremendous news," Needlestar announced, "We will be beginning our travels and today is the last chance I give to any cat who wishes not to come."

Loudmuzzle stepped forward on shaky legs, "I will come with you Needlestar but I wish to go as an elder, my bones are old and achy and I cannot cary on as a proud warrior of MoonClan."

"Very well then, you may retire to the elders group," Needlestar mewed, "Anyone else?"

Silence met the leader's question.

"Thank you, all of you, you are what make MoonClan strong, brave, loyal, warriors," Needlestar thanked the gathered cats, "Blackleaf had a few moonlight patrols go out so there is some prey on the pile, queens, kits, and elders first."

Once Loudmuzzle, Raccoonleap, and Springpuddle had chosen their prey and some cat brought prey to the queens and kits, the Clan began to feast, gulping every morsel of prey before their journey.

"I can't make traveling herbs for every cat Needlestar! I don't have enough burnet," Sagebranch was mewing.

"Very well, distribute what you have to the queens- elders- and apprentices, and you take one yourself, the rest will go to the youngest warriors," Needlestar ordered.

Sagebranch brought Sweetpaw, Scurrypaw, and the MoonClan apprentices their bundles and Spiderheart watched as the medicine cat tom delivered one to each of the elders and queens swiftly. Sagebranch gave the remaining three to Sparrowflame, Wrenstorm, and Lionspirit.

Spiderheart spotted Sweetpaw fight her way through the crowd, carrying a thrush. She laid down beside him and the two cats shared the bird.

"Are you excited about going to the lake again?" Sweetpaw asked him.

"I'm terrified and so scared that I'm doing the wrong thing by abandoning the place my mother died for," Spiderheart mewed, "I feel like a terrible son to Mothwood."

Sweetpaw looked up into his eyes, "Never feel that way Spiderheart, your a wonderful cat who is doing everything in his paws to fulfill MoonClan's destiny, whether that's watching the Clan split and leaving behind the cats you knew for years, or guiding what's left of MoonClan into the wild, you are the bravest cat in the Clan Spiderheart, and don't let any cat tell you otherwise."

Spiderheart nodded, rasping his tongue over her cheek, "I love you Sweetpaw."

"I love you too," Sweetpaw purred.

Spiderheart looked over to Sparklight, his sister was glaring angrily at them but before he could speak, she went over to talk to Leappaw.

Halfwhisker, heavy with kits, wobbled into the clearing, her claws digging into the grass to keep steady while Tawnyflower followed, helping the other queen walk.

"MoonClan, prepare to leave, once Sagebranch is done burying the herbs he can't carry, we will leave," Needlestar yowled, gathering his Clan with a sweep of his tail.

Blossomwing herded Shellkit and Brightkit out of their den, settling them beside Cherryspirit and her kits. Fidgetkit and Runningkit playfully tackled their mother's tail while Myrtlekit, Shiveringkit, and Dreamingkit tousled gently with Shellkit and Brightkit.

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