Chapter 10

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Tw- Mentions of future murder

Pov Clarissa

"Because you three fit the requirements perfectly." Queen Mira stated. She sounded sad.
"Requirements? You didn't tell me about any requirements." Quinn stated.
"You'll find those out later." She responded.
"Not cryptic at all." I whispered sarcastically.
"Hehehe." Mira chuckled fondly.

"So, what's the prophecy?" Evon asked.

"To save the world you must fight,
Through fire and hail you'll see a light.
For the end of time is coming fast,
Without hope, no world will last.
Three chosen, four remain,
What you need, they contain.
To save the rest,
Get rid of the pest." She replied.

"That's a mouthful." I commented.

Mira tilted her head like she was thinking of something.
"Quinn, you need to get back to the castle! Your Father is on his way to your room!" She started, "Go! You have about 5 minutes to get there!"

Quinn's eyes opened wide in fear.
"Bye! I'm not dying today!" He yelled as he flew out of the fountain.
"I explain the rest to Clarissa and Evon! They can tell you the rest!" She yelled in response.

We watched as he flew away.
"Why was the king going to his room?" I asked.
"You'll find out tomorrow I presume." She replied.

"Why now? Why didn't you pick anyone earlier?" Evon questioned.
"Well, no one was as perfect as you guys were, and I had to gather my strength to call you here." She responded.

"That makes sense." Evon stated.

-----Pov Change-----

Pov Quinn

I burst through my window to hear my father walking up the stairs. I calmed down my breathing just as he opened my door.

"Son, we have more things to discuss." He exclaimed.
"Yes sir." I replied.

We walked to the throne room and sat in our respective places, with my mother's being empty.

"Son, as you know, tomorrow there will be an execution, but I think we should change it up. This time, you will lead it." He explained.
"What?!" I started, "Sorry. What do you mean I'm going to lead it?
"I mean you will decide how, and when he dies." He stated.
"Are you sure I'm ready?" I asked.
"Yes I am." He replied.

"We also need to discuss the strange thing found in the middle of the kingdom." He stated.
"What is is?" I questioned.
"It appears to be some type of portal, where it goes, I don't know, but we'll figure that out later. Right now we need to figure out who to send through it." He replied.
"Who would you suggest?" I asked.
"Someone who isn't important, kind of rebellious, but will follow through with orders." He answered.
"Hmm, I don't know." I responded.
"Probably someone older, they'd be more willing to complete the mission." He stated.
"Probably." I confirmed.
"Well you can go back to your room to think about potential candidates, and take these, some pictures of possible future wife's and husband's." He said as he handed me a stack of paper.
"Yes sir." I replied.

I walked back up to my room with swirling thoughts. When I got to my room I softly closed my door.
"Dang it." I mumbled, "Why do I have to do this?"

-----Pov Change-----

Pov Mira

"Oh no. Everything is coming together. They need to hurry."

This was way to hard to write. I had such bad writers block while writing this, I was able to get a good chapter though.

581 words

Thanks for reading

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