Touble Sleeping

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TW: throwing up

Noru felt cold rough hands grab his waist as he was abruptly ripped from his mother's breast. 'NOOOO.' He heard his mother wail 'PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY BABY.' She sobbed her face blurred in a nightmarish way. 'I'm sorry ma'am.. It's for the best.' Norus head spun as the light danced around the room. 'MA!.' He wailed helplessly feeling tears start to trickled down his face. He watched in dismay as his mother's eyes met the same fate . He'd never felt such a sinking feeling before. The knowledge that you're helpless and that all the dark thought's in your head are now just you're not so distant future is haunting. And to experience this as a young child does leave it's....... effects.

Norus fear ingulfed him as his body signalled his brain to wake. Him. Up.

Noru woke with a shock and a damp pillow. And an also still very asleep Vex. He felt a coolness run down his cheeks. He cupped him mouth, softly sobbing into his hand as to not wake his partner. He didn't know why this kept happening. He wished his brain would just cut him some slack. Even if it was just for one night he'd greatly appreciate the rest. He felt his stomach turn. He knew what was coming. Noru quickly threw the doona of him rushing to the fresher.

He felt his feet almost slip as he rushed over the cold tiles to the toilet. He could feel his dinner in his throat as he unloaded his stomach into the toilet basin.

Once the vomiting had ceased he heard the sound of the doona being pulled of something. Followed by the sound of the bathroom door opening.




It was Vex.

'Are you okay sweet boy.' Their deep voice mumbled. 'Mhm-' 'Don't lie.. You look terrible./lh Plus you can't lie for druk.' Noru laughed softly spitting the remains of the fowl taste in his mouth into the basin. Noru turned to face Vex feeling the cold tiles brush his bare legs. He looked into their deep brown eyes taking in all their features like he'd done so many times before. 'You're so gorgeous.' He muttered Vex made a 'skch.' Sound with their throat. 'Can you please just answer my-.'

'Vex...' Noru pleaded softly. 'I really don't want to talk about it.'


They watched their boyfriends face scrunch up as they pleaded with them to stop pushing for an answer. 'Okay Sweetheart.' They cupped Norus face with their right hand brushing their cheek softly. 'I'm here if you need me thought.' They watched as a tired smile danced on their partners face. [thank you] Noru mouthed softly [your welcome] Vex mouthed back. 'Okay let's get you washed up then lovely.' Vex got to their feet pulling Noru to his feet along with them. Vex brushed the crud of their knees and shins. 'Alright mate I'll get a bath running for you.'

(Time skip)

Once Vex had the water the right temperature they walked out to beckon their partner back into the fresher.

Vex watched as their partner re-entered the fresher with just a towel around his waist. Vex averted their eyes giving their boyfriend the A-OK to get in the bubble bath. 'Vex you know I don't care if you see me like this.' Noru chuckled softly. Vex shrugged 'Sorry force of habit.' They mumbled.

They turned back to face their partner.

Vex knelt down next to the bathtub shooting their partner a quick smile.

They looked at the lekku oil they'd gotten at a market on Ryloth that sat in the corner of the baths rim. They extended their arm calling on the force. The bottle floated past Noru landing softly in Vex's palm. They lathered their hand with the fruity smelling liquid and started slowly massaging it into Norus scalp and lekku.

'Thank you...' Noru muttered softly so only Vex could hear. Not that there was anyone else around to hear.

'Someone's gotta look after you ya laserbrain.'

'Love you to Vex <3.'

'Shut up... ' 

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