Snake with arms new job

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Savy smiles, Crystal hugs her*

Crystal- I'm sorry about what happened because of me Savy... I didn't mean to be so mean to you... I was just so stressed and angry I wasn't paying attention to how you felt... I hope you can forgive me

Savy hugs her back: I forgive you.

F came to them: F... *nuzzled them*

Crystal- Awww !

Savy giggles*

Perilous hugs Agathia*

Pentious looks at Snake with arms: Are you doing okay buddy?

Snake with arms: Hiss hiss hiss. (Yes, it will take a while for me to digest the monster.

Arabella- Perilous will you be staying at the castle or dark town ?

Perilous: I don't mind staying in Dark town.

Arabella- And another thing did you see or date anyone before you left ?

Perilous: Um.... No....

Arabella- Hmm....

Pinkie walks by with one of her sisters that's dull grey with long straight dark grey mane and tail that overs her right eye in a cute shy manner and her cutie mark is three dull purple marbles

Pinkie- So I'm gonna go to the rainbow friends to meet them. I heard they are a little strange.


Perilous sees her: Whoa...

Pinkie- You sure you'll be okay ?

Marble- I... I guess...

Perilous blushes*

Pinkie- Okay. See you soon baby sis !

Pinkie snuggles her and leaves

Perilous: She's cool.

Marble shyly walks by herself

Perilous came to her: Hey.

Marble looks and blushes red as she froze nervously and looks away all very shy

Marble- Oh... Hello

Perilous: I'm Perilous.

Marble turns dark pink and looks at the ground.

Marble- I... Im.. Marbelline Stone Pie. But people call me Marble Pie for short.

Perilous: Pretty name.

Marble blushes red.

Marble-Th-- Thank you

Perilous: Hey, do you want to go out sometime?

She blushes even redder as she looks at him.

Marble- Of course

Perilous smiles*

Later, F is staying with the Toon patrol as he sleeps on the couch*

Perilous enjoys Dark town with his Jewelpet Agathia*

Pentious is taking Snake with arms to the Hazbin hotel*

Snake with arms: Hiss hiss hiss? (Am I really going to have a job here?)

Vaggie Yes. At the hazbin hotel !

Snake with arms went inside*

Charlie: Hi! Welcome to the Hazbin hotel! What are your talents?

Pentious- He is good at making drinks like Husk and he can devour any intruder in a second !

Alastor chuckles happily*

Smarty and Savy looked

Snake with arms: Hiss hiss. (I can also drive)

Charlie- You're hired !

Snake with arms smiles and shakes her hand*

Husk: Welcome to the bar team. *drinks*

Teresa smiled and kisses her husband

Husk smiles*

Snake with arms smiles* 

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