12. Losing Their Mind

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After all those explanation from Jimin, Taehyung can feel at ease now. Or else, he will constantly think what he had done wrong and what make Jimin do the things he do.

But now it's all answered, he can accept it and forgive him. But he can't forget obviously. The damage had been done, no matter what the reason behind it.

He felt less worst than before he know about the explanation behind Jimin's action but he can't help but replay the break up conversation again and again. It just can't get out of his mind.

That's what make him anxious. His mind filled with worry of someday Jimin really want to break up with him without explanation and leave.

He explained all of this to Jimin and the latter had try his best to keep Taehyung's mind from that event. Jimin know that whatever happened, it can't be undone.

This is the consequences of his action, whether he like it or not. It's not Taehyung's fault that he can't stop repeating his words on the event and Taehyung convince and reassured him that it's not his fault either.

But all he can think is otherwise. Though he know it's not entirely his fault, he can't help but to think so. If only he realizes sooner. If only is what he regret the most. Those thoughts that start with if only only make him feel worse.

But it's okay.

Because they will take this slow. As slow as they can get and as fast as they want. This is not some works with deadline to finish when the times come. No, this is free, they can start and finish whenever they want.

And they already start. They just need to build their relationship back together as before slowly. Slowly but surely. Because that instinct told them that they can built their trust and love again.

But something is missing.

They can feel it, even if they are still on built. Even though there's a lot of holes to close, even though there's so much to fix. They're not complete or finish yet to know what the missing place is, what they can do to fix it, what they need to place. What required them to do so.

Because they don't know yet. Just yet.

It make them losing their mind. With all their situation going on, this is messy. They need put in on order and live with it. They can't fix everything at once.

They're not living together, they need time and they have it. But that didn't stop them from being affectionate with each each other on public.

Unaware of some eyes.

Maybe they're aware, but too caught up with each other that they're closing some view. Some eyes that are watching.

With full of confusion.


Jungkook never know about Jimin's or Taehyung's background. All he know is Jimin had gone to Australia before become the CEO. He know Jimin have an ex because the older had told him.

About Taehyung, they're not that close of a friend to know so much about him. But Taehyung is a person with full of stories and willing to share. Hyunmin is one of his students, of course she will listen to all his stories.

And, " Appa! Appa!" Hyunmin call him to grab his attention. Jungkook look up and gesture for Hyunmin to sit with him.

His daughter climb on his laps and start talking comfortably. "Today, Taetae told us a story. Taetae said, he have a boyfriend but not anymore 'cause they brake up and and! Taetae said he miss his boyfriend!"

Jungkook didn't know what question he get from the students or what topic they're talking about for him to tell that story but Jungkook feels something when he heard that.

Jungkook didn't know if he just admires Taehyung, think he's attractive or get some feeling about it. He never think it's possible because they not close for him to catch a feeling.

For Jimin though, they have spent time with each other more than he can count. Jimin always take opportunity to ask him to hang out with him (and Hyunmin).

From one of those meetings, Jungkook can see that Jimin is really pretty. He's humble and have a kind heart and personality. Jungkook feels comfortable around him.

He had asked something to hyunmin that he never thought he would have asked.

"What do you think about Uncle Mimi being your papa?" He asked nervously to Hyunmin while tying her hair. Jungkook take a glance at the mirror to see his daughter's expression.

"Yunie want!" She said, enthusiastic. Jungkook feels his lips tugged up but quickly fall because Hyunmin deflated. "But Yunie want taetae too"

Jungkook's breath hitch. His finger continue it's work to distract himself. "Appa?"

Jungkook look up. "Do you not like taetae?" Jungkook really regret asking that question. Not because Taehyung is brought up to this, but because he didn't know the answer to his daughter's question.

He gulp. " I like him baby"

"The he can be my papa too!!"

"I will ask him some day baby"

Hyunmin was so excited to hear that, he afraid he will broke her little hope.

He shouldn't asked that question after all.

Because looking at Taehyung and Jimin laughing with each other and hugging each other, Jungkook think they're destined to be together. Was Jungkook part of it? He didn't think so.

Because they look so happy in his raw eyes. He didn't know if they've known each other for long but that must be the case because.....because what? He didn't know. He just think so because there's no way they know each other after Jungkook asked for Jimin's help to take hyunmin at the kindergarten.

He want to ask the older but that will seem like he's into their business. Jungkook is not a busybody and he refuse to make other think he is.

If they're close before, they're not close now. Jungkook is the one pulling away. Because they seem like they're in relationship, of course they do, who's fried make out with each other like that?

Jungkook didn't want to interfere. Beside, Jimin didn't asked him to hang out as much as before. Maybe because he got a better company. Jungkook was just his friend. They're still friend if he's being too dramatic but he got feeling for the older.

He can't just..look.

He need to be part of them.


He's supposed to say need to be with Jimin.

Maybe he's losing his mind.


That didn't sound like a bad idea.

Yes, he's really losing his mind.

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