Severus Snape

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A day full of dull classes ensued, classes that often made Harry think of his father. If he closed his eyes in Defense, he could almost imagine Snape's voice lower, more intense and passionate. He could almost imagine that he wasn't trapped in Hogwarts, but sitting in his training room, his father pacing and rearing to strike as he lectured Harry about his reflexes and wandless magic.

"You are too slow," he would say, aiming a jinx at Harry, "By the time it takes you to say expelliarmus, I have killed you and two of your comrades."

Harry would wipe the sweat off his face, puffing slightly, "I wouldn't be using expelliarmus father, surely you've taught me more exciting ways of disarming someone."

Harry willed himself into the memory, seeing it as though he was reliving the moment.

"No matter how violent your spells, they will all be for nothing if you have to speak them."

Harry rolled his eyes, "I can do silent casting Father, it's not that diffic-"

And then he was on the floor, a searing pain in his side. Harry gasped sharply as Voldemort knelt down, his crimson eyes like steel.

"Not that difficult? Is it too much to ask for a silent protego? You disappoint me Harry."

Harry glared at the floor as he pushed himself up, opening his eyes and returning to Snape's lesson.

"Is my lesson boring you Potter?" the man sneered. "Or are you so confident in my content that you feel you can sleep during my class."

"I learnt your content three years ago," Harry said softly, "If you would like me to demonstrate sir?"

Harry saw Snape bristle, fear clouding his eyes. The man had no backbone, he was a coward through and through. Almost as much as Draco, although at least the young Malfoy did what he was told.

"Don't bother Potter," Snape sneered, faltering slightly, "I'm certain you don't need to embarrass yourself in front of the entire class."

The class, who would usually be sniggering at the unfortunate soul privy to Snape's taunting were tense and silent. Rumours of Harry's iron grip over the Slytherins had spread steadily over the school, and there was few that looked upon Harry without a lingering fear or curiosity. 

The class continued, and Harry reminded himself to add this memory to the list to show his Father. A list of all the times Snape had attempted to make his life difficult. The only thing getting him through Snape's classes was the image of Harry standing over the greasy man, wand raised and a crucio on his lips. 

The lesson finished soon after with a rush to pick up belongings and escape the hovel that was Snape's classroom. 

Harry really wasn't surprised when the man called out after him. 

"Potter, you are to remain for a moment." 

Harry sighed and gestured for Draco to leave without him, turning around and facing Snape, the dim lighting making his skin look grey and his cheeks sunken. 

"Your behaviour in my class is inexcusable Potter-" he began to say, before Harry cut him off. 

"Don't call me Potter, Severus," Harry spat, "You're well aware how much my father despises that name, and as do I."

Snape glowered at him, "Your father would do well to teach you some manners." 

"Are you questioning your Lord, Severus?" Harry asked, twirling his wand between his fingers, "I'm sure he'll be delighted to hear all about this conversation come Yule." 

Harry hoped that when he did, Harry would be permitted to watch as his father tortured the overgrown bat. 

Snape's brow furrowed, "Whatever it is you're planning, it had better not involve Draco. I won't have him getting hurt because of you." 

"So protective Severus," Harry tutted, "Your Godson has chosen his side, which is more than I can say about you. What's stopping you from running off to Dumbledore right now and telling him that I plan to escape at Yule?" 

Harry smirked as he saw sweat dampening the man's hairline, a slight tremor to his fingers. 

"I'm very aware that sooner or later you will find your way back to the Dark Lord. I would rather like to be alive to see it, which I'm certain would be difficult if I was labelled a betrayer." 

Such a coward, Harry thought. Running to the side that would keep him alive for the longest. Then again, the Dark Lord was aware of Snape's loyalties, no matter how frivolous, and had decided that it was a non-issue. A slight problem at some times of course, but however loyal to Dumbledore, his position as a spy still required him to give them some information about the Light.

Harry nodded, "Very well then Severus. And as to your issue with my behaviour, you would do well to remember that you have no power over me or how I choose to act in your class. If you challenge me again, I'll burn down your quarters and make it look like you were stupid enough to do it yourself. Are we clear?" 

Harry watched as Snape's jaw worked furiously, his hands clenched into fists. 

"We're clear," he gritted out finally. 

Harry smiled, "Good," he said, walking out the door and closing it firmly.


Draco was waiting for him before dinner in the common room, sitting up straight the minute Harry walked in. Harry almost smiled fondly. Draco was like a dog, preening and groomed, ready to run away at the slightest whiff of danger. But most of all he was loyal, a quality that Harry greatly appreciated. 

Other Slytherin's mingled around, glancing at Harry then back to their homework, or continued talking to their friends, nevertheless wary of his presence, a tension in their shoulders that hadn't been there before. 

"What did Severus want?" Draco asked as Harry sat on an armchair opposite him. 

"Nothing I couldn't handle." 

Draco frowned, "You didn't hurt him did you? He may be a git but he's my Godfather and-" 

"Draco," Harry said exasperatedly, "Calm down, I didn't lay a hand on him." 

The blonde visibly relaxed, "Oh, all right then. You were going to explain to me why on earth you're sitting with the Gryffindors?"

Harry smirked, recounting his plan to Draco, who's eyes grew larger with every passing second. As he was talking, something niggled in the back of his mind and an idea started to form in the shape of a certain defence professor with greasy black hair. From what he could gather, Theo hated Severus, and vice versa. What better person to use to introduce Theo to the dark arts than Severus himself?

He needed to form this plan properly. He knew that the youngest Potter wouldn't harm a man simply because of dislike. No... he needed an incentive, an incentive large enough that Harry would be able to work his way inside the boy's mind enough to make him snap. 

Once Theo had tasted the Dark, Harry was certain that the boy would be weak enough to become addicted to its allure, the need would become stronger the more he used it, and Harry would use that to lure Theo to his Father's side. 

Severus would certainly think twice about questioning Harry after a few rounds of crucio. 

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