Journey home chapter #6

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Striker's Pov.

The drive home was long but the company made it worth it. I showed Isabella all the site's along the way. I bought us a confie van that had a sofa that turned into a bed and a few LCD screens with a DVD player for our five day journey. I stacked up on a few children movie's to keep my baby occupied. It saddened me to think she had never seen a DVD movie. Isabella's got me wrapped around her fingers she tried her hardest to stay awake with. Poor little thing didn't even feel when I picked her up and placed her on the bed. Watching her sleep I promised my self that we would travel I want to show her as much of the world and its beauty as possible.

I mind linked a few members of my pack as we approached in order to have everything ready for our arrival and my baby's accommodations, room, clothes and all. It was dark when we arrived. I never expected so many of my pack members to be waiting for us. I looked at them placing my finger to my lips for quite my baby was sleeping. I took her up to her room placing her in her bed. I knew I was going to have to tell my pack a bit about her so as they may know to be gentle around her little thing is still to fragile and has been through so much already. I will not let her get hurt again.

Isabella's Pov.

I woke up in a canopy four poster bed. The bed was so big fit for a princess the room I was in was beautiful but there was one thing missing. Where is papa, I was scared maybe he wasn't my grand father maybe Faze mom's boyfriend really sold me to get the money for his drugs. Faze would threaten me and mom all the time saying if she did't make enough money for their drugs he would sell me next to who ever so they can rape me or use me as spare body parts. Striker could of pretended to be my grandfather so I would trust him and he could take me away.

The fear took over me and just when I began to cry. The door to my room burst open before the first tear drop fell. Standing huge and menacing was Striker and in one huge step looking alarmed and ready to kill any who tried to hurt me. I wiped my tears and smiled. Instinct told me I should try to calm him down so I took my hand and placed it on his cheek. I could see him visibly relaxing.

* What?.......was it a bad dream ?..........what's wrong? you not like the room it must be the bed is it not comfortable enough?... are you hurt? I'll get the Dr.

* No. It's so pretty. I like it. Um.... I just didn't know where you where. I got scared.

* Ah love listen baby I'm just right out those doors. The room write across is mine.

* Papa were are we?

* Home baby. This is home this is your room see here lil one the door's over here are to your closet. I'm going to send some one up to help you with the whole bathing and changing thing.

* But papa I have no clothes I left every thing at the apartment.

* (I laughed ) Like I would let you wear that. I had a whole new wardrobe delivered just for you.

* Oh. Thank you. New clothes just for me.

And with that he got up and left the room closing the door behind him.


Hope you guys love it lety and I Angeles invite you to read A twist in faith

by Lety Vega

again we will update soon.

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