PART 6💜🌸

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Hiyo fellas. I am back again. To give yall a new episode. Oh but i have some assumption to ask yall. I have been felling down lately. I Don't fell hungry or anything. I lose my appetite on eating. Why??  I Don't know. But yea i have been keeping all my sadness happiness inside my mind for way long time like that. Like maybe around 3 year. Yea like 3 year i have been hiding everything in my mind. Sorry i was Rambling. I attend to lose in in talk. Lol. Ok Let's get started.

Oh & please read it with some sad melody or sad songs sad piano melodys are the best.

1 week later from then.

Y/N was working in Cafe while listening to music in her earpiece & smiling like a kid. It was closing time so she decided to close the cafe & straight had back home. When y/n was closing the door someone sneakly cover her eyes. She didn't flinch cause she knew who that was by the Scent of their Cologne.

Y/N : My little sun is shining Bright even still in the midnight. May i know why??.
Hobi : woahhh how did you know It's me?
Y/N : Cause It's my sun shine i will find you even if It's depth in the Darkness of Nights.
Hobi : Awee but i also wanna know the reason why are YOU still smiling like a idiot.
Y/N : where?
Hobi : Don't lie y/n i saw you smiling when you was serving People there order & even in our house too. What's the Matter.
Y/N : *in mind* cause you are the reason of my Happiness hobi my love. * smiling widely*
Hobi : see you are smiling ear to ear like a kid who got her favorite candy. Tell me who is the person who made my y/niee smile Bright like a moon.
Y/N : Naahhh.....
Hobi : No seriously y/n moon would fail in front of Your beautiful smile.
Y/N : *giggle* ok enough of that flirty talk why you here?  At this hour?
Hobi : *sigh* see i have something to talk to you It's more like confess y/n.
Y/N : *wait for real?  Dose hobi gonna tell me that he loves-,
Hobi : EARTH TO Y/N. STEP out of Your lala land please y/niee.
Y/N : Ohhh sorry *blushing* haha sorry go ahed am listening.
Hobi : well you see y/n *fidgeting * I.....
Y/N: *yes say it please my love* yea you??🤨⁉️
Hobi : I.....*arghhhh* It's so hard y/n.
Y/N : yea come on It's not that hard hoba come on say it. Say it or am going It's getting late *come on say it i am eagerly waiting *
Hobi : ok fine i love Your sister nihahn please help me propose her.
Y/N : *finally the words i have been dying to liste-* WHAT
HOBI : *Scratching the back of his head* i know its Pretty sudden but i love Nihahn. It's like Whenever i look into her eyes i feel the warmth felling in my heart like It's filling me up. & when we both talk i fill like i am full y/n. Please Don't deny y/n. I will keep her more then happy y/n. Please help me propose her.

At this time y/n was felling numb. Like she wasn’t felling anything at all. Just a stab wound in her heart. Her heart was clenching to. Her lungs were crying for her to scream at hobi. But she didnt scream she keep the ear to ear grin in her face. Cause she knew It's not worth anymore. She has already lost the chance of having hobi for her. Cause hobi's heart has alreday given to a girl. & the girl was non other then her own sister. She didnt knew how Should she feel. Laugh smile or cry. Nothing was working for her. Her heart like stoped beating. But for the sake of hobi &her dearest sister she took a deep breath & gulp the knot from her throat to her stomach. * started speaking.

Y/N : Hobi...... I...i am so happy for you. That you finally found the courage. Ok i will help. But something in tells me that my sister loves you too. Cause her eyes Sparkle Whenever she see you. *of course i was too blind to see that before hahahah* so ok Let's go start Planning i know you would straight go to wedding plan knowing you you wanna stay loyal so come on Let's go.

While y/n turn around to walk then hobi suddenly turn her back to his face & hug her tightly & said.

Hobi : Thanks y/n thanks a lot you are the best friend everyone would beg for y/niee. Thank you again.

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