A new world

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Rimuru wakes up to see that he is in a forest "oww that was a rough ride" he gets up and dusted himself off "Ok now I gotta find out where I am and see if I can get back", he brought out his wings and starts to fly up "wow I'm surrounded by.....alot of trees great just great". He started to fly forward trying to find a way out until he heard a clash "Hmm what's going on" he flew down into one of the trees and saw a girl and a guy fighting as the girl starts to speck "why are you getting in my way when this has nothing to do with you" she delivers a kick sending the guy back as he gets back up "well I can't just let you guy go around and kill innocent people". Rimuru looks over at the girl who was sitting on the ground and had a off feeling about her "so this guy is being fooled by her poor dude but he will find out eventually" Rimuru was about to jump down and leave but he heard a shot being fired as he moves out of the way. The pink haired girl grunted "damn I missed" Rimuru hides nearby "what the hell is this girls problem she almost shot me in the head, good thing I'm not human or that could have killed me".

The black haired girl was gonna go in for the kill but was stopped by a yellow haired female "come on Akame no need to be serious", the now named Akame looked over "Leone why did you stop me". The boy looks at them both and started getting angry "HEY YOU'RE THAT GIRL WHO STOLE MY MONEY" Leone looks over "oh it's you again sup Tatsumi". (I'm gonna skip the rest of the dialog cause it pretty much goes the same).

They were about to leave until Mine specks up "Hey Leone did you sensed anyone watching the fight" Leone looked down "Hmm yeah I did I also heard you fired at them did they die?". Mine shakes her head "no they dodged but I never saw them again" Leone was now abit worried that someone was spying on them "hmmm well we'll let it go for now but do keep you're eyes open just in case" Mine nods as they head out with Tatsumi.

In a nearby bush a slime had came out "well they didn't notice me in this form but I will need to be careful and find out what they will do to that boy" Rimuru said as he starts following them.

Alright guys that's it for this chapter sorry for the long wait things came up irl and needed to get them done first, but now it's done and if you have any questions let me know in the comments but please be respectful. Also for those who say you lost interest in reading the door is right here 🚪.

Rimuru GA Kill RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now