The calm before the storm

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The smoke starts to clear as Akame and Kurome were injured alittle but they would live, Akame looked around "wow what a mess that explosion made" she said as Kurome nodded. They soon heard some noises coming from the rubble as they prepared to fight but it was just Rimuru who seemed to be fine but his clothes were torn up "Akame, Kurome are you both ok" he asked not remembering what happened. Akame nods "yeah we are fine but are you ok?" Rimuru nods "yeah why?" Akame explained what happened "oh shit my bad guys but I'm sad that ranag" before he could finish Ranga appeared "master you're ok" Rimuru saw Ranga and gave him a big hug "Ranga I'm so glad you're ok". Ranga looked at his master "of course I am that attack wouldn't be enough to kill me" he said laughing which made the others laugh.

With Bol

Bol had narrowly escaped "that was close luck for me I had an escape plan" he said but was soon attacked by Leone "sorry dude nothing personal but I must kill you". (I'm not going over that fight since we all know Leone would win).

With Wave

Hinata and Wave were in the forest hiding "I think we are safe now" wave said as he looked over to see Hinata in a deep sleep.

Inside Hinata's mind

Hinata was roaming around in her mind as she saw the angelic light as one of the angel spoke "hinata you have swayed from the path of being a holy knight but do not worry you can redeem yourself" Hinata knew she was becoming darker and decided to accept whatever the angel said.

Back with Wave

Wave was waiting for Hinata to wake up "this is bad what if they find us first" he was do worried that he didn't notice Hinata walking towards him with her sword out, when he was gonna turn his head around that when she cuts his head off "sorry Wave but I can't have you or anyone in my way" she said as she walks off.

Thats it for this one guys yes I know killing off Wave was random but let's be honest he doesn't really do much in the series besides being similar to Tatsumi so I had to.

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