Chapter twenty

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"You look beautiful kay-"

"Don't say it"I cut him off

When I came I didn't think i would be seducing random men but with Alex you never know what your getting into.

He has me in this long shiny blue gown with tall light blue heels not going to lie it's a little tight but as long as i don't sit down or breathe i'll be good.

"Can you at least tell me where I'm going"I asked for the tenth time since getting in the car

"To crash an anniversary dinner. And find this nigga"he said turning the music down and pulling up a picture of this Mexican guy with beautiful hair and blue eyes. He had tats all over his arms and had a pretty smile

"Nice"I mumbled "Wait why can't you get one of the other girls to do it"

"Because I been keeping tags on em and your exactly his type. plus he's he'll do anything for easy pussy"

"Hold up cause i'm not fucking this nigga"

"You're just going to get him thinking he'll will. I would never let that nigga touch you"he said with a mug looking me up and down

"Don't look at me like that"i said laughing

"Don't let that shit come out your mouth again"

"So what am I supposed to do" I said putting more gloss on

"I'm not sure if playing the long
game is necessary but i'll soon figure that out. Just use your charm and good looks watch he fold"

We've been here for about an hour me and Alex got a table near the back to watch over everything

"Welcome everyone and thank you for coming out tonight."a tall man said coming into the center of the room along with a woman on his side dressed beautifully as a spot light shined on them making their jewelry shine

"That's hector and his wife Ana"Alex said as we watched them

"This isn't just our 19th wedding anniversary but today also makes 99 years exactly since our beloved family business was born.We welcome all our friends and family as we celebrate love and loyalty. Please enjoy the refreshments and don't forget to have fun"the woman finished as everyone clapped and the music turned up louder

"Their son jason over there."he pointed at the small group of people

I nodded looking over. He looked just like the picture except his hair was down in nice curls and he had on a blue tuxedo he was standing at the bar waiting to get a drink as I walked over

"What can I get for you little lady"the bartender said

"A vodka straight please"I said

"Put it on my tap"I heard a voice say looking up I seen jason

"I never seen you around here where you go to school" he said sitting next to me

"Star high. I'm not from here"

"I could tell or I would've been noticed you. Care to dance"he held out his hand

I took it and my glass smiling as he lead us to the dance floor

Alex POV

"You okay?"

This girl was rubbing on me and I can't get hard cause I'm watching Kayla and Jason grind on each other in the crowded room. I came up the stairs to get a higher view

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