Chapter 46

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Kylie POV

It's now 1:30 in the morning, Alexa and I are sitting on the couch sharing a tub of ice cream

"Why are boys dumb?"

I laugh at her " I don't know, Alex. I really don't."

"Your boy isn't dumb."

"He has his moments, not all the time but once in a while" I smiled at her

"Maybe I should of gotten drunk too and eloped in Vegas." She takes another bite of ice cream.

"No you don't. I just got really lucky."

"Of course you got super lucky you got Harry Styles your Celebrity Crush who is a freaking sweetheart." She said

"I will not deny all that. " I said smiling at her I hear footsteps I turn my head seeing Harry walking in the room wearing white shorts and a black t shirt holding his phone in his hand, he said he was going to call Louis back.

"He's sitting outside of the house." He said running his hand through his hair pushing it out of his face.

"Seriously?!" Alexa asked

"Alexa I seriously tried to get him off the property he just isn't leaving." Harry said

"Oh he will freaking leave" I said standing up starting to walk to the front door

"What are you doing?" Harry asked

"Whatever we do she can not walk out there!" Alexa said I hear them come after me as I slide my flip flops on.

"Kylie don't go killing Louis!" Harry called after me

"I'm not going to kill him! I just want to have a talk that's all!" I turn to the two people that were behind me

"Don't do or say anything stupid."Alexa said

"No promises!" I yelled walking out heading down the steps on to my drive way I walk down I look through the gates seeing his car sitting on the other side, I see him in the driver seat looking stressed out I go to the side opening up the side walk gate, I close it right away. He looks up at me from his car as I walk up to it
Standing at his door with his window down

"I know your going to yell-"

"Damn right I'm going to yell!"

"I came over to tell Alexa I'm sorry!"

"If your still high off your fucking ass crack I don't want you anywhere near-"

"I DIDNT SMOKE" He yelled over on top of me I give him a shocked face

"Then why did you-"

"I was nervous! Being around her alone out in public, her getting looks because of me, I haven't had the best reputation lately with everything. I saw a few girls I knew and asked if they wanted to join. I know Alexa doesn't like all that stuff, why I didn't ask her to come. I was about to smoke but then I knew if I did it with her in the same vincity she be mad. I rolled joints for the girls, by the time I finally found Toby and Chris they told me Alexa got picked up by you and Harry."

" What are your intentions with Alexa?"

His face grows shocked by my question " I like her a lot more then a friend."

"I don't want her to be your rebound, you and Eleanor broke up 2 months ago. I'm not only looking out for Alexa, I'm looking out for you too. I know your still hurt about everything that has happened with the last 2 months with your break up, Zayn leaving the band. Naughty Boy pushing your buttons. Your in all kinds of emotions right now with being pissed off, upset and broken. You have become one of my closest friends Louis I care about you."

"Wow." He said shocked leaning back in his seat. I walk around going to his passenger side

"Start the car" He looked at me shocked as he starts the car "the code for the gate is 0116" I told him as he reaches out putting in the code

"Is she going to listen to me?" He asked solemnly I nod

"She will. I know she will." I smile at him alittle

"I hope so" he said driving up the way he parked it we jump out of the car

"Don't make me regret you doing this."

"You won't I'm going to make things good." He smiled lightly as we walk up the steps I open the door

"Hey that was quick!" Harry said once he see Louis his eyes grew big

"It's not what we fully think." I told him as I close the door locking it I turn back seeing his face confused "where is Alexa now?"

"She went to the guest room going to sleep like a couple minutes ago." Harry said as Louis slumps his shoulders

"Go" I told him as the boys both look at me shocked

"Are you sure?" Louis asked scared I nod

"She's more likely awake. Go talk to her so you both can feel better" I told him he nods running up the stairs. Once he's out of sight Harry looks at me.

"What all happened?"

"He was nervous. Thought smoking do him good but he didn't do it because of Alexa there." I told him as his eyes grow shocked


"I know." I nodded my head

Harry takes my left hand in his right intertwining them together. He starts walking guiding me up our staircase

"I think it's been a long enough night for us." He said as I nod

"I think so too" I said leaning my head on top of his arm hitting the top of his shoulder, I feel his lips kiss my head softly as we reach the top.

"I love you Baby Girl" I hear him mumble into my hair I smile big feeling the excitement and butterflies every time he says those words to me.

"I love you very much Hub Bubs." I lean my head up meeting his lips feeling his smile against me.

Love Me Like You Do (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now