Chapter 56

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Kylie POV

"Oh my god!" Alexa screamed "I am graduating college today!"

It's now the middle of December, my birthday was a week ago, Harry and I were in London, Gemma and I had a party for both our days her turning 25 me 22. It was seriously a blast.

The boys new album placed at number 1 around the world and charts, I have never been more proud I don't think I can get any more prouder of all of them as I already am.

Plans with the wedding are 90% finalized, being stressed and gotten into a few arguments with Harry we came to decisions and are happy with what we have to be planned

Now I'm down in Pittsburgh with Alexa and her family planning to watch her graduate from college and move into the big world. The boys are in London helping with X Factor. Harry knew I would be mad if I missed her graduate and understood of me leaving, I know Alexa is upset that Louis couldn't come but she understands he needs to work.

I hug my best friend tight before she leaves us to go walk across the stage getting he diploma.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." She said I nod

"I know it feels like yesterday we were doing this with high school.." I said as she smiles big

"I should get going.. Are you going to FaceTime Louis so he sees me?" She asks making sur EI nod at her

"I will Sweets don't worry!! You need to go!" I told her she nods scurrying off in her heels and gown holding her hate that's on her head I smile walking out from behind the stage.

The graduation for the school is actually at the Consol Energy Center in downtown Pittsburgh which is nice and not in a stuffy auditorium or Gym. I go to the section where Alexa's family is sitting.


My phone starts ringing when I see Alexa's row start to stand and walk to the stage I see its Harry calling I pick up right away

"Hey Hubs"

"Can you do me a huge favor" Harry asked

"What's that and quick Alexa's group is going to be walking in a couple minutes!"

"We are here what section are you guys in?" Harry rushed his words

"114 wait you and Louis?!"

"Yes we are heading there now." Rushing his words sounding like he's running

"I'm coming out to meet up with you guys see you in a bit!" I hang up quickly

"Who called sweetie?" Alexa mom asks

"Louis and Harry are here?" I question my self

"Oh my god really?! That's wonderful! People over down and make room!" She yells down to Alexa's dad and grandparents as I stand up walking out of the row running up the stairs to meet up with the boys I see Harry wearing his black skinnies a half button black shirt and a blazer, Louis right behind him wearing a black and white suit with no tie looking attractive, wearing his hair like Alexa likes it all pushed up styled and holding flowers.

"Come on explain when we get to the seats!" I told them as I rush down the stairs back to Alexa's family, Alexa's mom stands seeing Louis. Her mom adores him and has his charm captured same with Alexa's dad. He sits next to Alexa's mom, I go in next to him the Harry sitting next to me he kisses my lips quickly
"Going to explain?" I ask he nods

"He has been gutted so he talked to Simon asking if we could come and he loves Alexa too so he said yes." I smile

"Alexa is going to be very happy to see you both" I told him " you guys have made it in time." I said as Harry wraps his arm around my shoulder

"Guys she's coming!" Louis exclaimed pulling out a blow horn

"Oh dear god you better not!" I told him as I look down seeing Alexa's dad do the same thing "nevermind" louis looks down as they nod proudly to one another

"Alexa Marie Wright" the dean said as Louis and Her dad start blowing the horns

"THATS MY GIRLFIREND" Louis screamed as Alexa walks she looks up to us not being far away she stares shocked as Louis and her dad start waving causing a interesting scene


Another half hour went by and were standing in the middle Alexa running up to Louis hugging him tightly

"Did he ever go to Eleanor's graduation?" I ask Harry he shook his head no

"We were touring even having the day off I think he didn't want to go and cause a scene? It's way different with Alexa then ever with Eleanor." I nod as Alexa comes up to us

" Harry I'm so happy you came too!" Alexa hugged him he hugs back

"I wouldn't miss seeing you graduate" he told her I smiled, they have gotten a lot close too which made me happy.

"Now you get to move to LA with us in a month" I told her as she smiles big

"I know I'm really excited" she smiled big

"I can't wait to go back to LA I miss Rory" I said making Harry kiss my cheek, Chris and Toby are staying at the house so she wouldn't get uncomfortable

"She's doing good and we will see her in a day." I turn to him confused

"I thought you had to go back to London?"

"No we're going back to LA tonight. We're getting Rory and heading back Monday to London" he said smiling. I smile wide at him

"Good I have missed my baby" I told him

"I know I have missed her too." He isn't a big dog person but he fell in love with her, she has him wrapped around his finger whether he likes it or not.

"Come one everyone time to celebrate!" Alexa dads yells taking Louis under his arm as they start Talking

"I swear my dad loves Louis more than I love him" she said as I chuckle

"I feel like that with Harry and my dad at times too" I told her as Harry grabs my hand walking out of the arena.

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