Possessive Damien

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Damien was very over protective over Phillip, not to the point where it was toxic but still very protective. He never liked it when pip wasn't in the mansion and now that he is the ruler of hell it's hard to know where pip is 24/7 now. When they were just children Damien would follow pip everywhere. To the living room, the kitchen, them the grocery store, and pips own bedroom which was next to Damien's room by the young prince's request.

Now that they were both in their late 20s they slept in the same room and shared the same bed. Damien usually works from 9am to around 10pm which leaves pip to do what ever he wants for hours. Does Damien like this? No, but will he tell pip this? Absolutely not. Damien hates seeing pip sad in anyway.


There was a nice bookstore in hell that pip enjoyed but it was replaced with a nicer restaurant which pip wanted to visit but hadn't had the heart to leave the mansion without telling Damien first but he knew that Damien was busy so he left a note saying he was going to be gone but it wasn't worded in the best possible way...

"Dear Damien, I am leaving I will be back at some time later! Stay safe!
P.S. love you!"

Pip felt much better leaving the note on the fridge knowing Damien would probably walk in there for a can of dr. Pepper like usual and see it. So off he went not knowing what kind of horror those words on the paper would make in hell.


Damien walked into the kitchen to grab a Dr. Pepper and the piece of paper suddenly caught his attention

"Dear Damien, I am leaving I will be back at some time later! Stay safe!
P.S. love you!"

He read, getting a feeling of dread as his face became a hard frown. Pip never specified where he was, not that he blamed pip, how could he? But he stopped all of his duties of being a ruler of hell to find his significant other. He immediately used his demon powers to be able to speak to every demon and citizen in hell.


Meanwhile pip was in the restaurant sipping a glass of red wine with a plate of spaghetti in-front of him, unaware of what was going on outside because he was not supposed to be in hell at all.

But everyone in hell was terrified, people were grouping up or wondering off to look for the ruler of hells lover, and Damien was getting restless. He couldn't sit down. Meanwhile pip was still eating his spaghetti peacefully.

15 minutes later, pip begins to clean up his table and leaves a tip for the waiter. As he's walking down the street to go back to Damien multiple demons grab him and drag him to the mansion

"what's going on??!!" Pip says

He can tell there's terror on the faces of the demons carrying him home but he doesn't know why..

About 2-3 minutes later pip arrives at home getting dropped on his ass but gets up anyways and gets his key out to open the door but as he is doing so the door opens and he is pulled inside.

Immediately being smothered with kisses everywhere. Cheeks, nose, forehead, neck, hands, mouth, he knows it's Damien so he asks

"What are y-you doing?"

"Kissing you obviously." Damien snaps back

"But why..?"

"Because I was worried about you."

"Oh!" Pip smiles at Damien giving him a small kiss on his cheek which immediately made Damien's eyes become small hearts and his face becoming red.

Damien grabs pip by the hand and drags him to their room and begins kissing pip any and everywhere.

That next morning Damien took a day off and spent the day laying down with pip in their bed and watching movies and making-out

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