Only one man can love him

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In most peoples eyes pip was just a weird British guy but in Damien's eye pip was the most perfect person in the world and deserves nothing but love. And Damien was the only one allowed to give that love to pip.

He believes that he is the only one worthy to give pip the love he deserves. Does pip know this? Nope, he thinks that Damien just really loves him but in reality Damien makes sure he is the only one allowed to love him.

Anytime someone so much as makes pip giggle Damien makes sure to take care of them.

That morning Damien had just got up out of bed to get ready for the day, does pip go anywhere? Nope, he doesn't even have a job at the mansion. So pip was still in his pajamas awake but not out of bed.

Damien had already locked himself in his office when the door bell rang so pip got up to go answer and see who it was.

After opening the door it had just been someone trying to advertise their restaurant and had decided to tackle the Thorn mansion aka the home of the king of hell and his forever partner. The guy who was trying to hand out flyers on a restaurant had started some small talk with the British boy unaware of the things Damien does to people who just did we he had done...he made pip smile and giggle a bit.

Damien had heard the commotion and unlocked his office door to walk down the hallway to find pip.

"Honey, who's that.?" Damien said keeping a blank face after seeing pip smile and giggle with this other man.

"He's just advertising a new restaurant over in the east side of hell, no need to worry!" Pip said "have a nice day sir! Take care" pip said shutting the door and walking towards Damien to give him a kiss.

Although Damien already had a photographic image of the dude he was still mad at the dude, but none the less accepted pips kiss. Deepening it for a few seconds. But soon Damien had to go back to work.


Damien had just got out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth so see pip sleeping soundly hugging on of their bed's pillow as a substitution for Damien. So he took this as the perfect opportunity to make sure pip and that dude never meet again.

The king of hell had found the dudes home, ready to walk in and find the guy but just as he started to grab the door his phone vibrated, it was pip. Not wanting to have pip worry he answered...

"where are you..?" Pip said, with a voice that sounded all to similar to someone who's been crying "I just want to make sure you're okay...I've looked all over the manor to find you"

Damien felt his heart shriveled shatter. Pip had been crying. Damien thought that dude can wait pip is more important than this.

Pip wasn't weak, he usually never cries but the thought of someone he loves leaving him made him cry...a lot. Which is why Damien was so alarmed.

"Don't worry honey, I just wanted to take a walk I'm walking home right now" Damien said

"Oh, okay. Sorry for calling while you were taking a break..."

"No, no, no it's okay I'm walking home anyways!"

"Okay, love you honey bye bye!"

"Love you too bye."

Damien was in fact not walking home, he teleported home, then inside the house. As he was walking into his and pips bedroom, pip was watching watching tv on their huge flat screen. With a red face and dried tears, so Damien was now 100% sure his lover had been crying.

He quickly but quietly walked over to the bed and grabbed the remote to turn the tv off which made pip look over at him and his face immediately lightened up. Damien was already in bed next to pip with his head on one of their multiple pillows. Pip quietly scooted closer to his partner and pip his head on Damien's shoulder leaning it against the pillow Damien was using as well.

Damien was no longer worried about the dude who spoke to pip. He just wanted to make sure pip was okay at that moment which he is now, he had looked down to see pips head on his shoulder  keeping their blanket as close to his face as he could being asleep and all.

Now Damien was thinking of a way to make sure that guy never comes near pip again but that can wait until tomorrow.

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