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Taehyung walked into the dining room. Everyone watched the king. It has been a few hours since they arrived at the palace. The whole family along with king jeon and prince jungkook were waiting for Taehyung to come.

"How was your trip prince?"

Jungkook took his eyes off of Taehyung to look at the former king.

"It was amazing my lord"

"I heard you both faced an accident"

Queen kim roamed his eyes jungkook to Taehyung.

"It was all my fault mum, prince jungkook saved my life"

jungkook turned towards him, eyes matched with each other. Those memories kept flowing in front of them.

"I heard"

Queen looked back at jungkook.

"We will forever own you, my prince. The whole kingdom will.. you saved their king"

jungkook smiled at him. Taehyung watched. He watched how beautiful Jungkook's smile was.

"I did what I was supposed to do"

"you don't need to sacrifice your own life for kim kingdom's king jungkook. You are not supposed to do so"

everyone looked at Taehyung, those eyes widened at him.

Jungkook smiled, watched those sparkling eyes for a moment.

"I just jumped for you Taehyung. Not for the king or the kingdom. I did it for you. I did it for kim Taehyung"

Taehyung gulped, took those eyes away from him at once.

"How was the trip my princess?"

Other's attention went Taehyung to kia except jungkook's. Those eyes never left Taehyung's where his eyes were him too.

"Are you getting close to the prince? What do you think about him?"

king Jeon laughed at his own words. The princess watched how Jungkook was looking at his brother for a moment. Then she looked at the king jeon.

"He is really caring, kind and sweet"

she smiled.

"He really cared about my brother"

Taehyung held his breaths for a moment, those eyes widened towards the princess.


he breathed fast.

"He cares about you too, my princess"

king jeon tapped on the table, cleared his throat.

"That's right. He really cares about you, my princess. Right jungkook?"

Then the king turned towards the prince, who was still watching at Taehyung like there was no one around them. Jungkook startled at once.


Those big doe eyes roamed his father then to the princess.

"Ah yeah..of course.."

he looked at the king, watched how helpless those eyes were. He held his breaths, words tangled in his throat.

"I care about the princess too"

king Jeon laughed.

"Look! I told you my princess. I know how my son is. He really likes you"

king jeon looked at Taehyung's parents who were silently watching the whole situation.

"Prince Jungkook really loves our princess, my lord. We should fix the wedding dates and announce them"

His Highness 🪄 Taekook/Vkook Where stories live. Discover now