Chapter 2

13 3 4

A/N: as i always say there is a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes

Hatsuki watered the plants and sighed watching the dead body lying on the white roses 

turning around and looking at her soldiers she smiled and told in calm voice "please clean it up..........."

it was the dead body of the old lady from yesterday...........the old ladies head missing probably exploded 

Hatsuki looked over at her disappointed brother 

her brother sighed and told "you killed her with your jutsu's..........she is unworthy of that should have killed her with normal weapons"

Hatsuki sticked her tongue out and shrugged not interested in his words "at least i showed her we are superior"

her brother just left sighing and told "welp it has nothing to do with bye!"

after few minutes the place was empty but hatsuki suddenly felt she was being watched and stopped a kunai with her infinity and watched it fall on the grass picking it up and catching it

she deactivated her infinity and smiled cheerfully crushing the kunai in her hands

"your pathetic jutsu is useless against me surrender and i will spare you"

she froze when a spear was stabbed right in her abdomen and smirked

The shinobi thought he got her but his life flashed before his eyes when he became the prey and the real hunter appeared behind the tree he was hiding at his hidden spot not hidden anymore

Hatsuki killed him of with her palm Jutsu crushing the tree and the Assassin with it 

she watched as blood and other remaining organ splashed on her white rose garden sighing with a uninterested expression "oh come on this is the second time my garden has been dirtied................."

a guard just walked over to her and told "it was the hyuga's............" he took out a eye from the gore mess which was splashed on the white rose garden

hatsuki looked at the eye closely and smirked "it was indeed a hyuga.........." she threw the eye down and crushed it by stepping on it

soon teleporting away and appearing on the garden of hyuga's

the womens working on the garden running inside to warn there clan leader

hatsuki rubbed her nose and sneezed slightly "ugh i hate this weather..............."

hatsuki floated up and teleported infront of the hyuga manor and destroyed the door by punching through it and walking in

the female hyuga who was sitting on the ground the supposed leader smirked and told "another fail assassination? do you have nine lives or something?"

hatsuki smiled and her blue eyes shone blue slightly "are you dumb? don't you know i am the strongest? i think you can't relate with it"

the hyuga got up and smirked activating her eyes smirking and told "you get on my nerves you bitch...........why not go fuck a women whore? you can't get a man anyways"

hatsuki tilted her head and blinked a couple of times "eh............that's the best you could come up with? i just broke your door love calm down"

that's the best you could come up with? i just broke your door love calm down"

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