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Soobin woke up beside Beomgyu yet again. It really was becoming a bad habit. Beomgyu opened his eyes and smiled at Soobin.

"How are you feeling?" He asked him as Soobin snuggled deeper in the crook of Beomgyu's arm.

"Fine. Do you have the air conditioner on? It's freezing." Soobin said as he snuggled into Beomgyu even more. Beomgyu grinned down at him and ran his fingers lightly over Soobin's cheek.

"It probably is on then." 

Soobin yawned. "It makes me not want to get up."

"Then don't. Stay in bed with me."

"But we have classes today." Soobin pointed out through another yawn. Beomgyu booped his nose. 

"No we don't."

"Oh. Right, I forgot. Then I should probably go take a shower."

"I thought you were gonna stay." Beomgyu said with a pout.

"Well... I really should go take a shower. no matter how cold it is." Soobin said, already throwing back the covers. Beomgyu quickly grabbed his hand.

"Then let me shower with you."

"Uhm... probably not a good idea."

"Pleeassee, Soobin?" Beomgyu said, giving Soobin puppy ideas. Which was so, SO unfair for Soobin. He couldn't resist those eyes...

Soobin sighed. "Only showering. Deal?"

Beomgyu nodded, looking excited as he threw back the covers and followed Soobin into the bathroom. They stepped into the shower and shut the glass shower door.

Thankfully, they did only shower, which made Soobin relieved Beomgyu kept his promise.

"I'm going out to meet Taehyun and Yeonjun, okay?" Soobin said to Beomgyu who sat on his bed with his computer on his lap.

"Not Kai too?"

Soobin shook his head. "Kai has some stuff to do but he'll be back to his and Yeonjun's dorm later if you get lonely and want to hang out with him."

Beomgyu nodded. He wanted Soobin to stay with him but it's not like he could force him to. Not that he even would. "I'll see you later then. Tell Taehyun and Yeonjun I say hi."

Soobin nodded with a slight smile as he walked out the door. But he could've sworn by the smile Beomgyu gave him that he knew something he wasn't telling him.


Soobin shut the door behind him and made his way to Yeonjun's dorm. Yeonjun greeted him with the usual friendly smile as he opened the door for Soobin. "Hey. Taehyun's already inside." Yeonjun said as he stepped aside for Soobin to pass by him. Soobin walked through the door and smiled at Taehyun.

"By the way, Beomgyu says hi." 

Soobin shot them a questioning look when they didn't answer. "What? Do I have something on my face?" He asked them as they raised their eyebrows.

"Well... you might want to look in the mirror." Yeonjun told him, which had Soobin rushing off into the bathroom. He squinted at the mirror, and his groan was very much audible to Taehyun and Yeonjun. So that explains the look Beomgyu gave him... hickeys were covering Soobin's neck and he couldn't believe he missed it.

"That asshole! I'm doomed!" Soobin grumbled as he stalked out of the bathroom.

"Don't worry, I have a white turtleneck you can use." Yeonjun told Soobin as he already started going through his closet. He pulled out a white turtleneck seconds later and took it off the hangar before handing it to Soobin. "Here."

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