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(You guys know what I just realized...? The song stupid love by oneus fits this story... also, this chapter will be a little shorter for... reasons *awkward coughing*)


"So, I know a great bar we could go to tomorrow night," Chae-Yeong told Soobin with a smile. Of course, Soobin realized it could be slightly risky since he would have to come back late and Beomgyu would probably ask questions... (SEE HOW MESSY CHEATING IS SOOBIN?!?!) but Soobin agreed anyways.


"See, I think it would be great to get Beomgyu's mind off everything! So I say we get him a distraction!"

Beomgyu sighed. "I appreciate it, but-"

Yeonjun pressed a finger against Beomgyu's lips, silencing his protests, "Trust me, it'll be good for you." 

Beomgyu tried forcing half a smile, "I guess you're right."

"So, the only question is, what are we going to do or where are we going to go?" Kai chimed in. Neither Beomgyu or Yeonjun seemed to have an answer, so they all sat in thoughtful silence. Until Kai said, "We should totally go to that one bar not too far from here!" (I'm sure you guys can see whats happening here...)

"Ohh, that's a good idea," Yeonjun said, clapping his hands, "We should go tomorrow night! What do you say, Beomgyu?"

Beomgyu toyed with the idea a little bit before nodding, "Sure. Could be fun."

"That's the spirit!" Yeonjun said with a smile, and Beomgyu really did appreciate them distracting him. But only if it was that easy.

"You should go for something hot." Yeonjun said to Beomgyu the next night. "Maybe you should even cheat on Soobin back while we're there. Make things even, you know?"

Beomgyu shook his head. "I can't."

Yeonjun sighed, "Fair enough, I guess."

They quickly got ready and headed down to the bar. Beomgyu was ready to put all his troubles aside for the night, or so he thought. When they walked in, at a table near the corner, there was Soobin... with Chae-Yeong. And a small sob escaped Beomgyu's lips as he watched them full on make out.

(Told you it'd be short... but... IS IT TOO LATE TO BACK OUT OF THIS STORY??? you guys wouldn't be mad... right??? I dont think I'm emotionally prepared to make the next chapter but... I'm too far in to quit now, so here I go 😭)

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