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Sasuke Uchiha hates girls. He literally hates them. Just the thought of them makes him sick. For real. He hates the thought of big breasts, or little breasts, or medium breasts, or just breasts in general, but the thing he hates the most and pukes just thinking about it is the female part in that area.

It disgusted him. It was really bad because the girls were always after him. They threw themselves at him expecting to get something out of it. All he wanted was for them to go away and leave him alone.

It doesn't matter the kind of girl, he doesn't care if she's sweet and sensitive, he would never love her. But there was one thing that didn't disgust him.


He liked boys. A lot. He likes the thought of tall handsome guys, with abs and sexy voices. Only the thought of them though, those kinds of guys aren't exactly his type.

His type is more.... Cute, friendly, adorable, sensitive, and most importantly, blonde. But he has to be a certain blonde. It can't be any other blonde. This blonde boy is special.

By special it means he's sort of an idiot. But that's perfect, because, he's Sasuke's type. Definitely his type. He's cute, charming in his own way, pretty, beautiful, drop dead gorgeous and also very handsome.

This boy is also his type because in that relationship Sasuke would be... The dominant one. He'd be the top. This boy was in his class at the Academy.

He would always sit alone in the back, being avoided by all the other kids. Sasuke liked him.


Naruto Uzumaki knew who Sasuke Uchiha was. He just didn't like him. He didn't like anyone. Maybe because they didn't like him. They hated him in fact. Naruto knew why, he knew the reason why he was so hated.

He had a demon. That demon was sealed away inside his own body. It was also the same demon who destroyed his Village twelve years ago.

He may not have known who his parents were, or if he even had them, so he can't exactly miss them. But the thing he does know is that they died, if they did exist. He also knew when they died.

On his birthday. The demon was the reason he was so hated. They believed he was the demon since it was inside him, it has been his entire life.

He was born twelve years ago, so he was hated for those twelve years. He was hated by everyone. Not just the adults. The other kids, because their parents taught them to hate him, they would treat him like an outcast.

They acted like it was his fault everytime something went wrong. They excluded him from their games and didn't talk to him. And when they did, it would be in a rude and angry way.

The meanest if them all was Sakura Haruno. Who knew a little girl would be such a bully? Naruto had gotten so used to her words and negative actions towards him, he was able to predict if she was about to hit him in any way.

He was able to dodge her punches. Even as the years went by, he was able to read her more clearly then ever. He enjoyed making her angry. To make her think she can finally hit him. Only to dodge her and humiliate her.

That's why he would only piss her off in public. So she would be humiliated. But that was two years ago. He's grown up. He still doesn't like her.

And she still tries to hit him, but he dodges without any effort. He just wants her to leave him alone. He wants them all to leave him alone.

He's used to being alone and doesn't want to change that. But being stuck in a team with both Sasuke and Sakura was probably the worst thing that could ever happen to him.

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