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Bek woke up and dramatically yawned, she got up and kicked her punching bag making it wobble from side-to-side before leaving her 'well-made' house, when she left, she stopped at the front door and looked back at all the bits she chewed and decided she wanted to fix it, chewing them more so that it has a cleaner edge.

She looked around and saw Acho and Apo sitting together while sharing a bit of cheese, Scott and Jimmy making out by the window sill, Owen's tail and legs hanging off his balcony (as he likes to call it) , Krow's head on Will's lap (They're outside) and Martyn twerking at the corner of the room, Bek laughed when looking at Martyn.

She hopped of her house and walked downstairs, she went in the kitchen and grabbed all the food she needed, she looked outside the window and saw Lizzie, Sniff and Olive kicking the window while Oli was chewing hardly at the edge, only for a human to shoo them away, Oh El, if only you were there. . Thought Bek miserably.

She shook off the sadness and walked over to Martyn, she threw a piece of lettuce at him and laughed when seeing him stop twerking and shriek, "BEK! WHAT THE HELL!?" She hurriedly ran while Martyn was chasing her and she laughed hardly, making her stop from time to time and slow down her pace. Martyn chuckled, "You little scum bag!" Bek laughed and the two looked at the lovers each, she pricked her ears when she saw Martyn droop his ears, "I wish Oli didn't get thrown out. . ." He sighed, Bek looked at him sympathetically, "I know how it's like, sometimes you just have to let it go. . ." Martyn stared for a moment and then nodded, "I guess you're right!" He chuckled the two had a bond that was hidden and they didn't know it yet but it was just lying in their past. . .

- - -

Martyn and Bek played in the small rat cage that they were born in, their mother in the cage above watching them while smiling softly, the three pricked their ears when someone came into the store, they went straight to their direction and pointed at Martyn, Martyn held both of his paws up making the kid giggle, their muffled words made Bek look at them with a glare, they opened the cage and took Martyn out, Bek gripped on but the store owner picked her up and put her back in the cage, she stared in dismay and Martyn squeaked in d sadness, the two hidden siblings watched, Bek punched the glass hardly creating a crack in the door, she gasped and shrank away.

She ate the food left in her bowl and sadly ate it, it wasn't the same without Martyn, "Mum?" "Yes darling?" "Will I ever see Martyn again?" "Maybe, who knows?" Her mother held her gaze of sympathy while her father in the cage next sighed sadly, he crossed his paws and wiped on of the tears in the corner of his eyes, her mother had decided to make a hole so that she could visit her father and Bek easier. Her mother had comforted her father and sat next to Bek reassuringly grooming her fur, Bek groaned and sighed, she fought her mothers grip and sat in the corner, her mother saying he'd and hugged her before leaving her cage.


Martyn looked and then when the people had placed him down, they let him out, he didn't know how to feel, he just felt some sadness and loneliness prick the edge of his heart, he got put into the cage and he looked around, he saw some pair of ears and one rat tail poke out of a tiny plastic house, he went closer and saw a rat that had a faint scar across his face, he jumped and the two met eyes, "H-Hi?" "Hey, what's your name?" "It's M-Martyn! You?" "Scar, there is a mice cage next to us—" He pointed his paw at the cage next to the two and Martyn saw a small ra- MOUSE that was huddling close to another bigger one, Scar growled and edged back.

The black and white mouse was huddling close to another mouse that had a red sweater on and a beige like fur, "—The black and white one is called Mumbo and the one with the sweater is called Grian, the two are mates which is so annoying cause you can hear them making love every time!" Scar grunted, he hissed and went back in the plastic house, Martyn followed him in and huddled close to him, Scar reminded him of his father, expect his father was friendlier, Scar eyed him but shrugged he started grooming Martyn's prickly fur and wrapped his tail around Martyn's. . .

Days had passed until Scar saw Martyn staring outside the glass cage out to the backyard, "You don't belong here, I can tell. . ." Hissed Scar, Martyn flinched and tilted his head, "Wh-What?" "You don't belong here, once the owner comes and opens the door for me to come out, you need to follow behind me and get the hell out of here, through the dog door alright?" "O-Okay?. . ." Martyn was confused but her didn't bother to question it.

Once the owner was paying close attention to Mumbo and Grian, they forgot the door to their cage was open and Scar nudged Martyn out, Martyn squeaked and jumped out, he ran through the dog door and sprinted, Scar nodded and smiled happily, "Go, if I see you ever again Martyn I'll recognise you!" Martyn smiled goofily making Scar laugh, he ran and looked at the wonderful wilderness and jumped over the fence, hitting the ground moderately hard, but not so hard he would break his bones, he ran until he spotted a mansion, it's beautiful colours shining through the grass, he spotted another (female) rat that had. . . No shirt on BUT at least some pants on. She ran inside and looked at Martyn straight in the eye, she smiled and signalled him with her hand that he should come inside.

What do I got left to lose? Martyn thought, he followed her inside and widened his eyes in surprise at how large the place was, he let out a breath and nodded the the female rat, she smiled and headed the other direction to another female rat that was probably her girlfriend or something, "Oh! My name is Bek by the way! This is Loise as many people call her but you can call her El for short!" The rat said, Martyn nodded, "My name is Martyn! Nice to meet you Bek and El!" He smiled, Bek sounds oddly familiar. . . Martyn thought, he shrugged it off and the girlfriends headed the other direction from him. . .

- - -

Bek and Martyn never realised their past and that the two were siblings that their mother and father had never told them, the two knew there was something going on but couldn't but a finger in it, if they remember so will other fellow rats!


Words: 1190

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