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Lizzie, Sniff, Oli, Will, Krow, Owen, Oliver, Shelby and Martyn chewed at the window, making loud but not to be heard cracking noises, they burst through and the glass made an awfully loud shatter on the floor, alerting all humans senses, they quickly scurried off but a human stepped on Lizzie's tail, causing her not to run, "GO WITHOUT ME!" She squeaked, everyone turned away to shield their eyes from the human cutting Lizzie in half, her guts spilling out next to the shattered glass, at least they're going to be safe. . . She thought, as her final thought of her life.

Every outside-rat burst in the attic, each panting from horror and exhaustion when running away from the human's grasp, Scott was the first to notice and his neutral face turned into the most happiest smile each rat ever saw, "YOU GUYS ARE BACK!" He gasped with amazement, he signalled with his tail for them to follow him and all did obey. Scott led them to Acho and Apo's pups and Jimmy making sure Acho was okay, Jimmy's ears twitched and shot straight up, he looked and smiled, his tail-tip wagging slowly, "OH MY GOSH!" Jimmy felt over joyed, Acho and Apo looked up and waved happily, "You guys are back!" Apo smiled, each rat looked straight at Acho's pups pressing against his fur, sleeping peacefully without any sign of disturbances.

"If only Lizzie was here, she'd be so glad. . ." Oli sighed, Acho, Apo, Scott and Jimmy tilted their heads and muttered in confusion, "Where is she?" "She died. . ." Martyn said, shaking his head, Jimmy's ears dropped suddenly and he sighed, slight tears trickling down his fur, matting it down against his cheeks, "Oh," Jimmy shook his head and hugged Scott, Scott comfortingly hugged him back, whispering softly to him. "A-Anyway, it's good to see you all back!" Scott reassured them, forcing a smile on his worn-out face. "All of you go to your houses and get some rest, it's almost night time," Scott nodded before tuning to Jimmy as kissing his cheek softly, then kissing him on the lips which Jimmy responded very well to that and kissed him softly back.

Each rat went to their houses, glad to be back home instead of the horrible outside pouring rain and prickly thorns, they slept peacefully through the night, no wind ruffling their fur, no coldness, no bugs, just a nice and comfortable bed. Oli and Martyn slept side by side, Martyn's and Oli's tails intertwining with each other, Krow stroking Will's head and fur with his hand while Will was asleep, Jimmy spooning Scott carefully and kissing the back of his neck, making him (Scott) giggle, Oliver and Sniff sleeping on a table, potion-liquid soaking the documents. Apo and Acho sleeping with their pups snuggled against Acho's belly fur, Owen sleeping inside the grand-clock he (later) built and Shelby face planted on the floor, somehow not getting stepped on-

Everything was peaceful, until the fire Bek ignited with a flint 'n steel called 'the rat-bellion (however you say/spell it)' spread and burned the tip of Shelby's tail making a dramatic awakening from her sleep, she turned and saw the fire, she gasped and squeaked in alarm, "GUYS! GUYS! WE NEED TO GE TOUT NOW THE FIRE IS SPREADING!!" She wailed loudly, loud enough for everyone to wake up, each rat started to worry and quickly make their way out, Apo grabbed two of the pups safely in his hands and brought them down, Acho holding one pup and also made it down to the garden, each whispering comforts to another, "Not again. . . Muttered Owen, he looked around and each rat saw the garden shed door open, each hurried inside and looked around for supplies, they went out again and left the burning mansion to waste, not looking back, all their reassures tucked away in small bags and boxes. . .

"Time we look for another home, a safer one" muttered Owen, "Indeed." Agreed Scott, each turned to the burning attic and sighed, "Good bye mansion, we'll all be safe later!" Each rat echoed a 'goodbye' and headed away, finding a perfect abandoned shack, stuffed with food (and humans still refill the food and don't mind the rats) which all could live in, maybe the mansion wasn't right for rats, but that was alright. . . They have found a new home. . .


~The end~

Words: 1001

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