The Spice

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        It's 2:30am and Ethen is in your room asking if you should pickup from where y'all first left off. You instantly get nervous as he walks closer and closer to your bed, you whisper with desire "Yes please~" as you close your eyes waiting for his aggressive kiss again. Ethen makes it to you and put his hand on your throat pulling you into a passionate wet kiss. You guys are there eating each others mouth once again and your hands start roaming each others body's once more. He pushes your back against your bed and gets on top of you. "Do you want this to keep going" he asked in a deep toned voice, You get shy and turn your face to the side. "C'mon baby no need to be shy" he says while grinning. "Yes please~" you moan while his hands still explore you. "Good girl then say my man first" he says to you. You instantly get shy again while you remember that he used to joke about you calling him daddy but you could tell that this time he was serious. "P-Please daddy" You say while looking away. "Oh fuck-" he groans "Good fucking girl" he says while aggressively taking off your top and pants, then he starts kissing down your body kissing every sensitive part. He groans against your body and you start moaning from each kiss he leave mesmerized by the sensation you are feeling, leaning back and in joying every bit of what you're feeling. Then he stops at your lower body already feeling how wet you are just from his kisses and touch. "Oh god baby your so fucking hot" he says in a wanting way, unexpectedly he hips your hips to the side of your bed and gets on he's knees to put he's head between your beautiful thighs. He slips your underwear to the side of your wet cunt and slips his tongue between your folds, instantly your back arches up while letting and orgasmic moans. "Mhm~ so fucking good" he says while now teasing your hole with his fingers and eating you harder. Ethen and you are both in joying yourself moaning while your toes are curling. Your moans start to become more rapid and unrhythmic gripping the sheets. He stops... and your moaning stops, while now confused, "shhh baby don't need your brother hearing, he's just there in the living room,"  as he undoes his belt and slips his rock hard shaft right into you with no warning. You instantly jolt back from pleasure and let out a juicy moaning and he lets and a loud pleasureful groan. "FUCK~ your so wet and tight for me" he say while leaning his head up and he starts the pace as a medium fast thrust into you.You weren't prepared for the pace so you let out loud moans without caring who hears you. He puts his hand over your mouth and leans over you pushing all of his 10in into you. Your eyes rolling back gripping the sheets once more. After a while of him thrusting deep inside you, He groans loud, "F-Fuck baby i feel you tightening on me your close aren't you" he asked picking up a little more speed. Your about to cum soon "Y-yes daddy oh fuck" you moan whining a bit. Lust and sweat and tears in the air moaning, heavy breathing while loud smacks and pounding sounds fill the room. He speeds up once more thrusting balls deep waiting for you to finish while he's still in you, "F-f-fuck Ethen~" you moan in pleasure as you lift your legs and curl your toes arching your back and cumming while moaning loud, but that doesn't stop him. He keeps going at the same pace like he has a second wave still thrusting hard and deep inside your cunt hitting all the right places, eventually both of you start moaning louder and louder feeling his hard dick inside your tight hole. "IM about to C-cum" he moaning while taking it out, You instantly get on your knees while he strokes his hard cock over your face with your mouth open still moaning. He lets out a loud groaning while rolling his eyes back finishing and shooting his kids into your mouth. "Fuck~ you dirty slut" he says while watching you lick every last bit of his juice off his head and shallows the nectar from his shaft. You stand up and he grabs your ass kissing you passionately once more then pulls away. "Damn baby you felt so good" he says while looking looking into your eyes, "Do need anything a drink or something" he asks making sure you are good. You shake your head no as both of you guys start getting dressed once more. You lay down under your sheets tired from the exciting event that just happened. Ethen looks over at you with a smile, "can i stay in here and cuddle for a moment i just want to make sure you okay" he says sweetly. You nod and he gets in bed next to you, you lay on his chest and he pets your head. Eventually moments later you both pass bout asleep.


*ps: i am so sorry it's been literally YEARS since i last made any changes or even other chapter i just had to idea what to write and finally one 4th of july did the job to get me to write this again.*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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