Meet the Kits Pt. 1: Awakening, Probing, and More Kits!?

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The first thing Emma saw when she woke up were steel bars and two bipedal feline creatures. She could hear them chittering, almost as if they were speaking to each other.

Emma couldn't help but stare at them in curiosity as they continued their otherworldly noises. 

The first being resembled what she assumed was a common household cat. Differences were the bizarre hot pink color of fur, the top part being tied in what she assumed was a pompadour and a long ponytail, its bright blue eyes seemingly glowing while making noises towards its partner. It wore a long white lab coat over a dark crop t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

The second being reminded the young girl of a tiger one would see at a circus or zoo. The tiger seemed slightly taller and carefree than the catlike being, having messy, dark yellow fur with stripes, vibrant bluish purple eyes, wearing violet glasses on its face. Around its neck resembled headphones from an everyday electronics store, wearing the same white lab coat as its partner, wearing a dark blue shirt under it.

"Cats..?," Emma asked herself, raising an eyebrow in confusion, then gasped. "Wait! Where's Lucy!? And the others!!" Her eyes moving rapidly, searching for her friends.

Soon they land on 7 other cages, she could hear her friend's voices.

"If the songbird's call...," Naomi sang quietly, as she covered her ears with earbuds. The tiger alien had lifted her cage to show its partner, their chittering started up again in the process. What could they be talking about?

"There's no sign of Keith of any of our other classmates anywhere", Emma overheard Tyler whisper to his classmate and friend, Dan. "It looks like the eight of us are the only ones here."

Dan slams his hand on the bars of his cage, gritting his teeth at the information. "They have to be here somewhere," he said, looking frustrated and worried.

Suddenly, he felt a shift in his cage as he looked up and saw Tyler and himself being moved apart. These creatures were going to take them away!

"Hey!! Where are you taking Tyler!? Let us go!!!"

"Dan!," Tyler shouts as he tried to reach out from his cage to calm the other boy, he looked up at the tiger in anger. "Put us down, now!"

The catlike creature soon covered its ears, cringing as the sounds of the two boy's shouting grew louder. It shouts something to its partner, who nodded and placed the cages holding the two boys down, cringing as well.

"Psst!" A hushed, but familiar voice whispered, "Emma! Over here! On your right!" Emma could barely move in her cage, but slowly turned her head to see the girl in a small ponytail, May.

"May," she whispered,hoping the creatures wouldn't hear her. "What's going on? Why are we in cages?"

"We got taken," May responds, barely crossing her arms inside the small cage, "I woke up and found myself here..Naomi too.."

"What about Van, Lucy, and Kappei?", Emma asked, concerned for her friends, "Where are they?"

May looked at her surroundings. Besides being trapped in cages, they were surrounded by metallic walls and what looked like science equipment in all sorts of shaped and sizes. Different sounds and lights going off as the two cat beings communicated with each other. Soon May's eyes land on three cages closest to the tiger creature, after hearing the sounds of three children arguing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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