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I am trying to get my life on track I have said it 1000088888377362626 times but I mean it this time I want to try do well try forget all the domestic violience and mabye if I find a rich boyfriend I could move in with him but to do that I need a glow up i know very cringy but I do I need to change soooo I am gonna right down ideas ok first hair OOOOO mabye red I could totally rock that accually nooo then I would be on the gangster table hmmm mabye blonde nahhh I want a glow up but not being Barbie what if I go for my natural hair with blonde highlights that would be cool the only probleme is I don't have money so it will be stealing the money for bear that my mom left out for my dad to get later. My mom is corrently watching some dating show that is on every Thursday at 7:30 in the morning she hates getting up early in the morning so she watches that and goes back up to bed the show lasts 40 minutes so at 8:10 that's when I get the money and I'll make and appointment for after school and make sure I bring a woolie hat to cover my new hair I remind my mom to put the money out on the kitchen table and she responds with ya ya I just struge my shoulders and say ok I watch from behind the door waiting for her to put the money she went upstairs I get worried that she forgot because if she sees that I am stalking her omg that would not be could she would beat me with her leather belt until I bled but thankfully it was a false alarm she ended up coming down to put the money there she didn't forget aboult her beer she put 300£ there that will for sure cover the coast of my hair and a good bit of my glow up . My heart sunk back into my body I actually felt really happy for once I was excited for my appointment  . I brought a woolie hat and I went of to school  same Ol same ol . I texted my mom to tell her that I will be later beause my bus was delayed and I'll walk home which of course it wasnt I was accually getting my hair done it wasn't fare from the school so I was able to walk when I got there I showed the idea that I had printed from the school libary which was ment for education but you know my hair is education to I showed the nice hairdresser and she done it I felt confident and really liked it . Put my hat on and walked home I got stairs I wasn't sure why I thought it could be my hat or something or just the way I looked I got them a lot so I didn't think much of it . When I got home I heard my mom screaming WHERE IS THE MONEY. I just ignored it and ran up to my room I kept the hat on so if she walked in to my room she wouldn't know . I guesed it I heard her barging up the stairs she didn't knock of course she slapped open the door and said WHERE IS THE MONEY. I acted innocent and said I swear i don't know you put it on the kitchen table last night . she went on to say I KNOW THAT OF COURSE ITS NOT THERE YOU TOOK IT YOU TOOK IT . I started to get a bit worried but I said you had the window open which she did do she just stayed quiet and barged back down stairs and went to the side where the window was and knocked on are neighbours door to blame them . Which this might seem evil but I didn't really care beause they where mean and the blame was not on me anymore for once . I was very excited for school the next day . I went to bed and when it's time to sleep that's when all the thoughts kick in I felt like I was gonna exsplode I never felt as bad as this before as much as I loved my new hair the more I got scared for other peoples reaction all the thoughts came rushing in thinking everyone will laugh at me and hate me even more I don't even think that's possible though they allready hate me so much .I finally got to sleep by crying but when I woke up it was like nothing happend ussally I look in the mirror for a half an hour thinking of how bad I look but this time I accually had a smile and though you don't look to bad but that didn't last long when my stupid brain decided to wake up and remeber all the things I was thinking of last night I just got ready for the day and left with my hat on but as soon as I got on the school bus I took it off . A lot of people started at me it was like aliens just eye bowling me . I got off the bus I got looks but I didn't know what was comming . When I went in the hale way everyone was laughing starting pointing throughing things at me it was as bad as when I was just normal when I finally thought I was accually gonna be sorta liked that all went down hill after that day I also go a violation of hair beuase apperantly it's distracting I begged for them not to call my parents if they found out I would be dead meat .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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