Part 1

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Archer's POV

"Daddy," I squeal as the call connects, and his face fills the screen. I can see the tolls of where he is on him as my eyes try and take him all in. There were specks of dust in his brown hair, which is somehow still relatively short; he had it cut into a buzz cut just before he left. Still, it's been a few months now, so it's grown out, although he must have cut it at some point while he was away, or it would have been a whole lot shaggier by now.

His green eyes looked tired, which was highlighted even more by the way dirt settled on his tanned skin, but the way his lips spread into a smile when he saw me made me skip over that fact. We haven't had a chance to talk for nearly a month now, so I think it is safe to say we were both over the moon to be able to Skype right now.

"Wolf, how are you doing, my little cub?" He asked. His voice sounded worn out, but I could tell he was putting on a strong front for me. "I am doing so good, Daddy. I have so much to tell you," I squealed, remembering the events of last week as I bounced in the warn-out swivel chair. "You do?" He asked, chuckling as he watched me, which made him wince. "Are you hurt, Daddy?" I asked, no longer excited as I tried to look at him closer, although it was hard on the cracked laptop screen. "No, cub, I'm ok. I'm just a little tired; we just returned from a little mission. But I had to check in with my number one girl, right? So what's got you so excited, darling?" He asks, making me sigh, knowing he is lying.

"You said it's bad to lie, Daddy", I complain, no longer excited to tell him about what happened last Wednesday.

I could see his frown form before it disappeared quickly. He always tries his best to make our calls as cheerful as possible since we only get to talk occasionally, but I hate that he lies to me when he is hurt. "I know; I'm sorry, Wolf. I just hate how much you worry, that's all. But I promise it's nothing too bad. Just some bruises. I'll be ok," he replied, this time honestly. "Is everyone else okay? Is Snake, Bear, Hawk and Newt ok?" I ask, wanting to make sure Daddy's squad is okay.

Bear, or as none military people call him Marcus, has been on Daddy's squad since before I was born; he's my Godfather and is trained in several martial arts. He teaches me things when he isn't on tour and says I will be just as good, if not better, than him one day.

Then there is Snake, or Josh, who joined the squad just after I was born; he is a bomb expert and is apparently as sly as a snake and the smartest of the group. He helps me with my homework sometimes, and he's also the one who helps me learn all the new languages whenever we move.

Newt, who is called Addy, and Hawk joined a couple of years ago and are really nice; they are both married. Hawk, aka Nate, and her joined when I was about six. He is hilarious and plays with me whenever he comes over; I like him the best. He is a snipper, so he looks over everyone to ensure they are safe. I don't know how Newt puts up with the others. Anyway, she is the team's medic and is in charge of ensuring they're all ok.

Daddy is called Mowgli because they say he would have had to be raised by animals to put up with his squad; he is also the Major, which makes him really important. He leads the 45 commandos when they go on missions. They are apparently the best and most formidable team of commandos in the British military. Their missions are always top secret, and I never know what they are doing or where they are; he's on one right now. He has been for a while.

"Everyone is ok. Newt had to stitch up a wound on Bear's arm, but that was it; Hawk kept everyone safe. They are all napping right now, or I am sure they would come to say hi. Now, I am dying for you to tell me your big news, cub," he reassures me, making me smile at the thought. Bear always gets into trouble; Daddy says he still thinks he's twenty with the way he runs into trouble. He is not in his twenties, but more accurately, nearing his forties, not that he would ever let his age play a role in anything.

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