Memories of Blacksmith and Beast Tamer

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Two and a half hours later after gaining their help, Lisbeth and her new friends Jaymes and Koharu returns to Rovia. The mission was not only a success but a fruitful one. Before exiting town, they ran into Agil's group and temporarily merged. Lisbeth hit it off with one of Agil's friends, and they had a field day collecting materials from Scuttle Crabs, Dorsalfin Tadpoles (the fright Jaymes and company ran into earlier), and other mobs before calling it quits, and at a good time too. It's been over two hours since the floor opened, and Jaymes can now see members of the ALS and DKB making their way out of Rovia. Their mission, like Lisbeth's, is definitely 'first dibs' on new materials and levels.

"Muscle man there is nicer than he looks," Lisbeth says as she, Jaymes, and Koharu split from Agil and his guild. "Most of the people on the front are pretty mean. Sometimes even arrogant. It's a relief to meet someone who gets us blacksmiths."

Walking behind her, the black-skinned boy called Jaymes shrugs. "Well, prior events aside, Agil is right. You crafters will be the backbone of the front one day, if not very soon."

His female partner Koharu agrees. "Lisbeth, you really take smithing work seriously, huh? I hope we can ask you to make something for us someday."

"Yeah. I would like to see how good a Lisbeth-made weapon is."

Eager, Lisbeth turns and gives them a thumbs-up. "A blacksmith lives to hear those words. Hey, if I impress you enough, how about we make a deal?" Feeling a need to tease both the young man and the girl close to him, Lisbeth steps up to Jaymes, causing him to slightly recoil. She leans upon the tips of her toes to reach his right ear and whispers, "Make me your personal player-blacksmith, and I'll make sure to apply the special Lisbeth discount forever."

"O-okay." Jaymes closes his eyes afterward. Pleased with herself Lisbeth drops back to face Koharu the same thing, but not in the obviously flirty tone she spoke to him in.

"As I was telling Jaymes, I would like to be your exclusive player-blacksmith. I don't mind if you see NPCs, but if you want a player's touch, just hit me up, and I'll apply a special rate for the two of you. How does that sound?"

Koharu crosses her arms. " Hmm...that doesn't sound too bad. You sound confident in your skills."

"As promised, I'll provide my services in exchanged for helping me out. How does that sound as a test of my abilities?"

"What do you say to that, Jaymes... Aincrad to Jaymes!"

Returning to the world, Jaymes blinks twice before facing his displeased partner. "What?"

"You've been staring at Lisbeth for a while."

Lisbeth nods and smirks slightly in his direction. She didn't think her teasing would go this far, and it's too late--and too entertaining--to stop now. "I was asking if I should keep my end of the deal and service your weapons, but it seems I've done a lot more than that today."

"I... I uhh..."

She brings her hands to her midline and slightly lowers her face, unleashing a cute glance in his direction. "Am I so beautiful that you've no words left?"

Jaymes is at a lost for words again, and Koharu seems to get more agitated. When he realizes that, he bypasses the subject by apologizing and accepting Lisbeth's offer. She leads them to a nearby alley where she takes her portable smithing equipment out. First she repairs their weapons, which takes no more than a couple of minutes, then next their armor. Once she given them a clean bill of health, she collects her carpet and faces her customers. "Thanks for the patronage. Let me know if you ever need to upgrade, craft, or repair anything. I'm sure NPCs are somewhat better than me, just by looking at your dagger, Koharu, but one day I'll surpass them."

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