Chapter 2

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"No.20, you're next. Get ready," one of the two judges announced.

An adolescent girl with brown locks, wearing a pink floral summer dress, slowly walks from the queue to the center of the stage.

"You may begin now," the other stated.

"Ahmm, hrmm...," she clears her throat and flashes a smile. "Good afternoon! I'm Thea, 13 years old and I will be singing "Suddenly it's Magic," she presented herself.

(click the video to play)

"Okay, well done. Please wait until 5 PM today for the results," the female judge said.

"Yes! Thank you very much!" Thea said delightedly. She then runs to her mother waiting at the crowd.

"Baby, you did great!" her mother proudly said. "You deserve a spot. You'll definitely pass," she gives her a kiss on her left cheek.

"I hope so mom," worry starts to show on her face. "All the kids I'm competing with are very talented," she sighed. "They're better than me."

"Oh, be confident! This audition is just a part. They will not just screen the applicants on this one. You also did well on the other qualifying exams," she reminded her.

"Okay," she curves her lips. "This day is really exhausting," she wipes her forehead with a hanky. 

"Do you want to eat or maybe something to drink?" her mother asked.

"No. I'm fine. I want to stay here and watch the remaining performances. You can eat without me. I know you're tired and hungry," she smiled sweetly.

Her mother looks at her watch. "It's past 3. Don't worry, I'll be back half hour before 5. I can't miss the announcement," she winks.

At the exit, Thea can see her mother's pearly white teeth smiling at her and then mouthing something, "Good-luck." She replies with a big smile and a wave.

Thea's eyes shine as she glances back at the stage. It is the moment she's been waiting for. Finally, her dream is at her hands now. She's just waiting patiently for it to come true.

As a child, she already knew what she wanted to be in the future. Since pre-school, her parents saw the potential in her to excel in the arts. During primary school, her spatial and musical talents are well appreciated not only by her parents but also by her teachers and peers. The creativity in her was cultured and developed throughout the years that's why she decided to pursue a specialized secondary education.

National Academy for the Arts, a secondary school aimed to cultivate the intelligent and talented students in creative writing, visual arts and performing arts. It is a unique residential school situated at a scenic spot viewing the majestic Taal Lake and Volcano in the green and breezy environment of Tagaytay City.

It is dedicated to enhance the artistic strengths, individuality and interpersonal skills of the students who wants to achieve artist titles professionally. It caters to those students who pass the academic, personality and psychological tests and performance-based auditions.

Hundreds of applicants are screened every year in different testing centers in Metro Manila and Cavite but only 25 of them are selected as incoming freshmen. Those who succeeded in the Top 5 are granted of full scholarship which includes free basic tuition fee and books, 50% off on  dormitory fees and a monthly allowance of 1000 pesos while the remaining 20 are granted of partial scholarship which includes 50% off on the basic tuition fee and books and 25% off on dormitory fees and a monthly allowance of 500 pesos.

With this big opportunity, it will not only benefit her but also her parents when it comes to finances that's why she wanted this, she needed this.

Thea shut her eyes and uttered, "Please... please let me have this." She prays so hard to the Lord, asking Him to give her a chance to fulfill her dreams.

In the middle of her prayer, she suddenly opens her eyes and focuses on the stage.

Maybe it's intuition

Some things you just don't question...


Baby I'm Sorry (HongstarxAileexGDragon FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon