New York

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About a few hours later, Jungkook came back with some information.

 "Guys!" The others got up immediately. 

"He's in New York." Jungkook handed the papers to Y/N. 

"New York!?" Jimin had wide eyes. 

"But JK he has no relatives or friends there- plus he doesn't even know much English!" Y/N was shocked. 

"I don't know Noona, probably he moved so we couldn't find him." Jungkook was equally confused. 

"That son of a- I mean Idiot." Jimin changed his words seeing Y/N. 

"Whatever, I'm leaving for New York Tomorrow." Y/N was determined to get him back. 

"Noona you can't go alone!" Jungkook didn't want her to go by herself. 

"We still have documents to finish off before we are properly finished our careers, we certainly cannot leave the country!" Jimin looked at JK. 

"I'll postpone them! I will convince them, I'll help Y/N for a few months." Jungkook insisted. 

"I'm so disappointed in him, doesn't even know what he's doing to Y/N." Jimin scoffed. 

*Few days later in New York.*

Y/N was fluent in English because she grew up learning it. Jungkook wasn't fluent but could survive alone. Six months had passed but no sign of Taehyung was found, they worked day and night. Y/N and Jungkook were now in the airport.

 "I don't know how six months went by just like that..." Jungkook sighed. 

"Well It's important you guys finish off your work before you get in trouble, I'll be fine by myself." Y/N couldn't believe he was still missing. 

"Why not come back with me Noona? Jimin will be off work in another two months and he can help you." Jungkook suggested. 

"JK I can't, I don't want to waste any chance to find him." Y/N didn't want to leave. 

"Noona I can't leave you alone, the doctor already said your mental health is decreasing, your going into depression." Jungkook was persistent to take her. 

"I love Tae, I can't leave him... Please JK, I'll be fine." Y/N had a bad headache. 

"Seeing you like this is breaking me Noona... That jerk doesn't know what mess he's caused." Jungkook hugged Y/N tightly. 

"Do what you want, I won't force you, but just be careful." Jungkook broke the hug. 

"I'll be fine JK, go finish your job." Y/N smiled through the pain. 

"Call us if you need anything, I'll come right away." Jungkook smiled back. They both waved goodbye. 

It was late at night and Y/N was going to return back to her apartment. She sat at a bus stop, she was a bit nervous, it was her first time in this city going on a bus alone, she felt a little scared without Jungkook. 

"Pretty lady sitting all alone at this time?" A familiar voice was heard. Y/N instantly turned her head back. She thought it was Tae for some reason, but it was just some young Asian guy. 

"You seem a little nervous." He smirked which made Y/N really uncomfortable. 

"Need any help?" The guy stepped a bit closer. 

"Yes actually, help yourself to keep your mouth shut!" Y/N's heart was beating fast. 

"Ok ok... feisty" The guy still kept that smirk on his face. 

As the bus arrived, Y/N got up and went inside. She sat at the front and the guy sat behind her. Y/N's stop came soon and she got off. She started rushing through the streets in case the guy was going to follow her. Y/N heard some laughs and footsteps. She turned and saw someone coming from behind. Y/N walked even faster. But her path was blocked forcing her to stop. three old looking guys were in front of her. 

"Look at this pretty kitty." One man disgustingly licked his lips. Y/N stepped back. 

"Look baby girl, just give us your valuables and we won't hurt you." Another one said. 

"D-don't call me that." Y/N sniffed holding back some tears. 

"Let's not have a problem, now give us what you got." One man stepped closer as Y/N stepped back. The man grabbed Y/N's wrist but she managed to kick him in the face and his nose started bleeding. 

"You B*tch" The man groaned in pain. Another man grabbed Y/N's necklace that Taehyung gave to her and she hissed in pain, holding the side of her neck, she was about to fall back but someone held her. It was the same guy from the bus stop. 

"Give the necklace back." He demanded glaring at them. 

"What are you going to do." One man laughed. 

"I'm warning you give it back." The guy gritted is teeth. Suddenly one man grabbed him by the collar and punched his face. Everything was happening so fast and soon enough all three men were lying on the floor. 

"I warned you." He took the necklace back and walked to Y/N. 

"A love necklace? I'm guessing your other half gave you?" The guy held the necklace up. 

"Y/N looked down hearing the words 'other half' still holding her neck. The guy noticed and asked about it. 

"Are you ok?" Y/N grabbed the necklace and just turned to walk away.

 "Hey did I say something wrong? Hello!" The guy was a bit offended. 

"Look, I'm grateful you helped me but don't think you're such a hero, stop stalking me." Y/N turned to tell him and continued walking. 

"I was expecting a thanks, not to be called a stalker." The guy started following her.

 "Stop following me." Y/N scoffed.

 "I'm not stalking you, I'm just heading home." The guy put his hands in his leather jacket. Y/N stopped to glare at him. 

"I feel like you are searching a reason to talk to me." He smirked again. 

"You saw the necklace, I have a lover, I love him, I'm not in the mood to argue with you." Y/N rolled her eyes and continued walking. Y/N heard him mimicking her and turned around with an angry stare. 

"See you stopped again, I know you wanna talk." He winked. 

The Sacrifice: Taehyung  & Cha Eunwoo FFWhere stories live. Discover now