~}|Dedicated to victims of bullying|{~

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~}|Hey readers! This is dedicated to all the people who are being bullied or has been bullied at some point in their lives..

Don't let others bring you down, you only human and so are they, don't let anyone ever treat you any lesser than a human being, "we all have our imperfections.

Sometimes its better to take a stand against people who treat others like dirt, if your scared its ok to gain help from others cause thats what humans do...help one another because inside and out were all the same.|{~

I am a Victim of Bullying

~}|{~ i just want to say i too am a victim of bullying,so i know how those people out there who have been bullied feels...its depressing, saddening , painful, and it messes you up...guys don't be afraid to tell your problems to get help, nothings embarrassing about it, at first i was embarrassed to tell someone too, but it only gets worse if you don't tell someone and stand up to the bully....... Veronica is a victim of constant bullying...but she never lets it get to her, in truth it actually helps make her stronger than the person she was before, when she finally had enough of it all she stands up for herself and takes on the whole school, she challenges her bullies in a different way other than getting physical. Sometimes breaking them down socially can work better than physically, she doesn't let any bad remark get to her, she survives all the beatings, the teasing, the getting shoved into the locker, and even getting mugged by several students on several occasions sometimes even multiple times in a single day, but each time she got bullied, each time she got shoved and pushed to the ground, she got right back up on her feet because, each pain she endures she adds to her strengths, let

Veronica inspire you to be strong and never let anyone bring your confidence down even just a centimeter.~}|{~

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