~}| Chapter 4 |{~

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~}| The Party?! |{~

"What's that supposed mean?!" I asked taken back by his rude remark

"I'm just saying, you should really consider it" he said

If your wondering what's going on right now, it's about some rude thing he said about my clothing style and how I should look up trending fashion and everything about beauty! Now you see why I'm furious, RUDE!

"Ugh!" I smacked him on the arm for the 100th time,
"ok just because you don't like the way I dress doesn't give you the right to say I dress FUGLY! or what ever that means! And don't say it's something nice, because it has the word UGLY in it!"  I crossed my hands and put my feet up on the dashboard

Zian immediately notices me, and he quickly slaps me on my leg

"OUCH!!" I rubbed the area his hand made contact with

"Don't dirty my baby! She's limited edition! Only made once in a life time! She's literally rare" he said stating a fact

Zian is somewhat an all out dude guy, you know the ones I'm talking about? The 'skateboarding' , 'cars', and everything guys do? Yeah well, he's that kind of a guy, and trust me, it's so annoying! But the good thing that comes with these kind of guys is more ways to annoy them, which is pretty fun :)

"Omg" I laugh "don't get your panties in a twist, it's only a car gosh"

His head whips to me and his eyes widened so big that it looks like his eyes would pop out from the sockets, just a figure of speech of course

"You did not just say that" his lips perched "this girl goes 0-100 in 7 seconds, her coat is made by the best! And her interior as you can see is beautiful"

ever word he says he came in closer I  could literally feel his breathing on me,

He quickly pointed to the roof which startled me "you see this, this is fitted with white gold, WHITE GOLD! have you ever seen a car like mines before?"

I shook me head,

"Exactly" he then reset his position back in the drivers seat,

"Ok" I said awkwardly, Can anyone spell obsessed?

The car moved right when the stop light turned green

"Well, can you tell me where we're going now?" I asked

"Shopping" he said briefly

"Shopping? For what?"  I said bored by the thought of shopping,

Yes I know, I bet some of you are like 'Omg! Are you serious?!' Yeah well, I'm not really fond of shopping, I mean you don't need new clothes like every day, it's basically wasting, what's so fun in running around the mall looking at clothes? The real fun in shopping is the food, now unless it's food shopping, then I'm all for it!

He chuckled as if I said a joke, then he looked at me,"oh" his smile slowly dropped, "wait are you serious?, you don't like shopping? Com'on your a girl please don't tell me your serious" he looked at me and out of the blue, he started laughing

"Why are you laughing?" I said irritated by his, annoying laughter, not because it's ugly, but because it's cute, I wished I laughed as cute as him!

He slowly calmed down "simple, you the first girl Ive seen Ever! That isn't happy by the word shopping, it's weird"
his laugh completely faded but was replaced with a smile " I mean most, no, every girl would be super happy bought the word shopping"

I huffed " well I'm not every girl, why are we going shopping any ways?"

"Well, for one, you need furniture for your room, and anything else you'd want"he said plainly

I raised my eyebrow at the thought of buying everything I need to decorate my room, I mean I've always wanted to decorate my room to make it my dream room, but I never had the budget to do it, and now since I'm with, my rich brother ( I smirked at that thought) I can achieve my dream room

"Well I do like the sound of 'anything' " I said still smirking

"Good, and for the second thing" he paused

My smile immediately dropped " second thing? What second thing? " I looked at him very curious of what he's about to say

" well clothes of course" he said

I immediately relaxed, " I told you I don't need clothes I have all I the clothes I need "

" yeah, horrifying clothes, I mean look at you , you look like a farmer right now!" He said pointing at my clothes

" I like the way I look, it's simple and comfy, plus you said summery!"

He gasped " yeah summery like short shorts and tank top, not old mc Donald had a farm!"

"Omg! I'm not gonna look like some slut, ok! Girls these days are dressing up like, Barbie dolls" I said, I shivered by the thought of wearing those super short thigh length shorts

" ok fine, buy clothes in you style but under one condition!"

I squinted at the word 'one condition' " what's that? "

" I, will pick out at least 5 outfits for when we go out to events and for the party "

I went silent and thought about it, 5 outfits...,hmm ah what the heck it's only 5 outfits

" fine! " I huffed "but nothing showing skin! "

"Fine" he said smiling

Wait...did he say party? I whipped my head towards him "d-did you say p-party" I stuttered

" yeah "

"What party?!" I asked with my eyes wide open

" the party that's in 2 days, your coming with me "

My mouth fell, I mean my jaw hit the floor! He didn't mention any party when I got here! I'm not to good at party, in fact I'm not good at parties at all! Not even my own birthday party!

" NOOO! I'm not going to any party!" I yelled

" well too bad, I already told my friends I'd introduce them to my ' young sister ' " he quoted  smiling

" no way! I'm not good at parties, I mess them up every time!" I said with my mouth agape

" too bad, plus you already agreed so too bad " he said still smiling

"Ugh!" I gasped " you tricked me! "

He just smiled, clearly laughing on the inside, if it wasn't for the fact that he's driving I would smack that smile of his face, but on the more important part, what am I gonna do! I can't go to a party! I sat lost in thought

I need to come up with excuses, and quick

The car came to a stop breaking me out of my thoughts , I looked at we were in the a parking lot

" let's go " said Zian



It me agin! So what do you think of this chapter?

Exciting ain't it, about what type of party will it be and how will she handle it!

I wonder what her excuse will be?

Hmm.... *Laughs*
I can only guess
:) (:

I wonder what clothes her brother Zian will buy her?!?!!
Hope it's something amazing!
So if it's short yet again :( I just got home from the hotel and I literally forgot my charger for my iPad :p
So I had to wait till I got home


next chapter coming up real soon,
See you in the mall



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