The Middle School Story - Background & Deciphering Reality

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I wanted to create a cute little background story for Naomi and Logan. I thought that it would be perfect to start the story with them being in middle school. Especially since Logan in the TV show played the nerd and brains of the group. When I began to write the story, I would get a lot of random flashbacks from middle school. At the same time, I had all of these ideas coming to me and I thought that I should write everything down to see where it would go.

Due to the flashbacks that I would get, I decided that for the chapters that took place in middle school, I would incorporate some of the actual events that occurred. Of course not everything that I wrote actually happened, but I thought that it would be fun to include some of the things that I experienced.

The first chapter starts with Naomi telling the reader a little bit about herself. The reader then learns that she is a nerd and that she loves school and that she is a bookworm. She also lets the reader know that she gets made fun of for loving school but she does not pay attention to the opinion of her peers. Although she loves school, on the first day she feels super nervous and misses her friends from elementary school. She begins to feel a bit homesick, but she takes out a book to read while waiting for the first class of the day to start.

So here is the thing: That is totally how I am. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a bookworm and that I love school. I remember that during summer and winter vacations, I would always pick up a book and just read because I would get bored. Even to this day, after having graduated, I still pick up a book and I like to study different languages on Duolingo. Luckily, I was never made fun of for liking school which I find to be a blessing. So many kids get teased and bullied, especially in middle school, and that is not right and it can be so frustrating to both the kid and the parents.

What I wrote about Naomi feeling nervous is actually based on a true experience. I remember that on the first day of middle school I felt nervous because I did not see any of the friends I had in elementary school. I also felt nervous because the school was big and I had the feeling that I was going to get lost easily. However, I did end up seeing a few friends there so that felt nice and I even had some classes with them. I also remember waiting for my homeroom teacher on the first day and this really nice girl who had the same homeroom as I did approached me and we started talking. I was reading a book but I can't recall the title of it. Turns out that we became good friends after that and after a few weeks, I was able to make more friends. So the group of friends grew a bit.

Anyways back to the story: the story then moves on to two years later when Naomi and Logan are in their last year and are excited to graduate, which would make the reader think that they are going separate ways. I decided to flash forward two years later because I did not want to make the story longer than it should have been. Also, I think that it would have been boring and repetitive so it was easier and better to move the time along. The story moves along saying that they are both graduating with honors and they end up hugging by the lockers longer than they intended. Suddenly the principal passes by them and clears his throat and engages in a small conversation with them. This was all from a flashback I had that my middle school principal saw me one time at my locker and he greeted me and said teasingly, "What are you doing you little troublemaker?" I couldn't help but laugh and he did as well, then he said that he was only teasing and that he knew that I was not a troublemaker.

Then it moves along to the part when they are going to be working on a semester-long science project. Both Naomi and Logan have had experiences where they have done all of the work in a project. This actually used to happen to me often and it was awful. I remember that there was a science project that I worked on with a classmate in seventh grade and I ended up doing all of the work. After that experience, whenever our teachers would put us in groups or pairs to work on a project I would be scared to be taken advantage of. In my last year, my science teacher let us choose our partners for the project and I ended up working with a friend. However, since I was skeptical I told that person that they had to do their part and help me out because we were in pairs for a reason. They actually did their part and it was so rewarding. Because if we are put to work in pairs or groups it is so that we can do 50/50 work. And that year, my teacher told us that she was going to enter the whole class into the science fair and I was so excited! I had never participated in a science fair so that was fun. My partner and I won first place for our project which felt even more rewarding!

The middle school experience ends with Logan and Naomi receiving their awards and graduating. It is kind of funny how reality and fantasy take place in this specific chapter. In reality, I did not have a crush and I did not have a guy crushing on me when I was in middle school (or at least not to my knowledge lol), but I did have my friends talking with me and congratulating me for my awards and all that good stuff. I think that I received certificates and a couple of medals. My friends would also comment about how they would miss me since we were all going to different high schools. But, one of my teachers indeed showed up in the morning with the sashes that we had to wear and they were purple. The graduation gowns were also yellow and blue so that is true too. Some magnet kids had some cords and they pulled on them and stared at me as if saying that they had the cord and I didn't have anything. Typically when you are given a cord it means that you are graduating with honors. Well, in this case, the cords were given to those who were in the magnet program to distinguish them from everyone else. And we were given different sashes to show that we were in a different honors program. So this is why I say that it is a bit funny how this plays out in the chapter (if you know you know).

So the chapter ends with them Naomi and Logan thinking that they are going their separate ways. The reader also thinks that they're going separate ways and it leaves them thinking what's next? However, to everyone's surprise, they end up finding out that they are going to the same high school and they get excited! This actually happened with some of my friends, when we found out that we were going to the same high school we all jumped and screeched excitedly.

This sums up everything from these chapters and that is how things came about. Let me know in the comments what you think!

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