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Ronni Lupin Black was with the Potter's on the night of their death, She showed signs of magic when she was first born, With Voldemort's powers and her own she quickly become the most powerful witch ever known at only a year old.

That night she gained a scar down her face.

Voldemort tried to kill Ronni but failed since her magic repelled against him whereas Harry was saved by a love curse from his mother.

That night her father Sirius Black was accused and sent to Azkaban and her other father Remus Lupin couldn't look after her himself being a werewolf and deeply traumatised.

Ronni was sent to an muggle orphanage and her new name was Ronni Black
(Black being a common muggle name)
and not a normal orphanage,

She was abused and more for 11 years being sent from one home to another, her magic being the reason.

When she turned 11 she got a letter for Hogwarts and shortly after joined, her life took a major turn being a troublemaker and almost getting killed by Voldemort and other madness numerous of times.

She also found out that she was the daughter of a murderer and her magic and whatnot.

In 3rd year a new Professor Joined, Professor Lupin, He was oddly familiar to her and she didn't know why.

The whole news of her father escaping went around and Ronni was being watched carefully the whole year, Everyone thought Sirius was out to kill his own daughter, oh boy were they wrong.

One night Ronni and her best friends, Harry, Hermione and Ron snuck out for Hagrid's sake of Buckbeak and got pulled into the shrieking shack with the one and only Sirius Black the murderer.

Shortly after Remus joined and let's just say everyone felt betrayed and shocked until they got the whole truth and story.

Remus and Sirius are Ronni's fathers and Sirius was innocent.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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