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After a weekand a half living in kai's guest house, I was willing to admit it wasn't awkward at all.

Kai was a lot quieter than I'd expected and while I didn't see him often, he texted me frequently to let me know if and when he'd be back.

It had definitely surprised me just how little he was actually home, even when the team wasn't traveling.

I'd settled in nicely and was even beginning to do grocery shopping and cook on my own.

Kai had had a few pots in the house but not enough to actually do much cooking and I'd left all the cookware with Lisa when I moved out of our apartment.

It had taken me a while to get pots and pans purchased but once I had cooking at home became commonplace.

I was making a nice routine for myself in the evenings and being home by six every night made it easier to plan meals.

Besides, eating at home eliminated the need for me to decide what to eat at so many different restaurants.

After Aera had caught me leaving the office with a few files the Friday before, she'd put her foot down and told me that work stayed at work, especially on weekends.

It was weird to come home without work.

I'd spent money on good cookware, fresh groceries and an online cooking class and was rather shocked to find that I was enjoying my routine quite a bit.

Learn something new every day.

I'd just thrown a lemon-and-garlic chicken breast topped with fresh rosemary into the oven when my phone buzzed on the counter.

It would either be Tae or Lisa, since they both spent most evenings texting me.

My phone had never been this active before.

Lisa: Hey I just found this, I thought you'd find it interesting.

The link had been shortened, so I didn't have a clue what she was sending me but I clicked on it anyway.

Another text popped up as it loaded.

Lisa: I think it could be helpful and it's local to you, It looks really low key and interesting
and the place gets great reviews.

What the hell had Lisa found?

I switched back to the browser and my phone slid right to the ground when I figured out what she'd linked me to.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I took a few deep breaths and steeled myself for what was on the screen.

It still didn't prepare me for the bold letters exclaiming BDSM Intro Night.

What the hell had Lisa been looking for to find this? And what did she think she knew?

I tapped back to the text app and responded.

Me: Um, what?

Lisa must have had the text already in the phone because the response was immediate.

Lisa: I figure this will give you a good feel for the BDSM community there.

Lisa: See if it is something you can see yourself representing.

Oh. Oh, right. I hadn't told her about the crazy thoughts in my head the night we'd discovered the BDSM websites and I definitely had omitted the conversation with Max, the sweet guy from work on Wednesday.

I'd thought about that conversation a lot since then.

Max had been so sweet and honest as he talked about the way he and his husband had discovered BDSM and I swore he'd had hearts in his eyes as he spoke about the way submission made him feel.

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