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Lisa : Oh! That sounds exciting. I can't believe we didn't talk about this while I was there!

Me: I am not talking about this in person. Dammit woman, you're worse than Tae !

I hadn't wanted to talk about it over text either but I needed someone to mildly freak out to.

It wasn't a full-on panic attack.

It wasn't even a half panic attack It was just my natural anxiety rearing its ugly head and making me question if I was making the right choice.

The last experience at hybe had been shitty from the moment I'd walked in until the moment I threw my phone at Jungkook however unintentional that might have been.

I still maintained that he should not have been lurking around outside my house in the dark.

This was a chance to change it into something positive.

Lisa: What are you going to wear?

Me: Umm, jeans and a T-shirt?

Right? Isn't that what I should wear?

I put the phone down and called into the bathroom where Jungkook was doing his hair.

The man took forever to get the little bit of length at the top of his head to look perfectly styled.

"What should I wear tonight?"

Jungkook's head popped out of the bathroom and he looked me up and down.

"That's fine for dinner."

Ugh for dinner yes but I was talking about after.

"Not dinner, I mean after."

He disappeared back into the bathroom where I could just see shadows of him messing with his hair.

"Don't worry about that."

"I've got something for you to change into." My eyes widened.

What was he planning?

Me: Apparently, he's got some thing for me for later tonight.

Lisa: Oh! Pics or it didn't happen!!!

Thank fuck there was a no technology rule at the club.

Me: Nope. Can't. No phones in the club.

I gave a satisfied grin as I hit send and turned my screen off.

I was ready and it sounded like Jungkook was finally washing his hands, My phone buzzed again and I looked down expecting to see a text from Lisa but was surprised to see Jin's name.

I swiped my finger across the screen and read the text.

Jin: I thought you might like this. I found it in a suitcase today. No clue how it got there or how long it's been there.

Attached was a picture of the two of us, I couldn't have been much more than four or five, making Jin only a toddler.

We'd been at my grandparents farm at the time and both of us were covered in mud and laughing.

I had no memory of the picture but I knew that Jin had always had fond memories of the farm.

My memories revolved mostly around my parents being pissed that we always came home with stains on our clothes and dirt on our cheeks.

In order to avoid the complaints, I'd stopped going when I was about ten while at the same time Jin had started spending every summer with them.

Me: Wow, we were cute.

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