Teo and Aurelio

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Deiya's pov

I came in 5th!!!!! I'm so happy right now, but I look down to see that jade, Teo battling Ocolo before he burst his wings and kicked him right in the face sending that cat all the way down hah! deserved! Teo was looking at his wings when my bestie, Atzi hit him with a lightning bolt and rushed through the barrier.

I walked over to her and gave her a high five "Nice, that was an amazing bolt!" I said "you're not so bad yourself," she said, "says you, I told you I would beat you out yesterday," I said

As sol was given the rankings, of course, I was in 5th but I was more surprised to see Atzi in 12th place. I looked over at her and I could tell she was about to cry.

"That concludes the first trial!" Luna said and with that everyone started leaving.

Back on the boat, I knocked on Atzi's door and to my surprise, she came out. "u ok?" i said " no not really," She said, " Well, there's still plenty more trials, and I bet you will become sunbearer!" I said she laughed " Well, it's late so see you tomorrow," She said " see yah"

I walked back down the hall to only bump into someone. "Oh I'm sorry," I said "No it's my fault I was not looking," the person said I looked to find Teo's sister Anya with bandages wrapped around her arm.

"What happened to your forearm?" I blurted out. She looked at her forearm just realizing it was there "Oh, uh please don't tell anyone, One of the twins burned me" she said, "Let me guess, Auristela?" I said "yep..." she said.

Right after she said that Teo rushed past us so I quickly jump in front of her "Hi Deiya, Bye Deiya," Teo said still running.

Once he turned the corner I backed away from Anya "Thanks" she whispered "no prob" I responded. "Teo's been acting weird lately" She mentioned " Yeah, Aurelio too," I said, both of our faces lit up "do you think..." Anya said "Perhaps...yes," I said, " well, then shall we follow?" Anya said " We shall!" I said both of us were running after Teo.

i know its short but im fangirling over here 

Have a great day/night 


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