Chapter 13

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The vile creature that was once Vice Captain Sudhir screeched and reached out to Captain Mohini with its clawed hands.

In the blink of an eye, Mohini engaged the fire safety switch next to her and a stream of fire retardant gas jetted out of the vents. The creature hissed and snarled at this unwelcome intervention. The pressurised retardant assailed the creature also reduced visibility, giving Mohini the chance to escape the bridge.

She circled around the control panel which regulated the vital systems of the ship and leapt over the communications console, steering clear of the sharp claws of the beast.

A quick glance at the a navigation screen told her, they were on course to space station Sudarshana.

She needed to kill the monster quickly before they got to their destination, to preserve the life of her remaining crew. And to ensure that it the maleficent entity did not extend its reign of terror to the space station.

Then she would flush the malevolent head out through the Dwaraka's exhaust ports.

As she sneaked out of the bridge, an idea took shape in her head. She was reminded of a conversation she had with Assistant Engineer Ravi Tandon, after they had a subdued Tara in the Coolant room and sealed the breach shut.

The sealant gun.

"Yeah you know what cap, I am going to keep one of these in my room permanently given the strange occurrences on this ship," Ravi had said to her.

Mohini headed towards the crew quarters to check if Ravi had followed through on that intention.

She caught the lift down to the cargo bay and the hangar, and took the shortcut via corridor 8.03 to enter the crew quarters.

The cafeteria which was adjacent to the entrance looked empty and sad. A wave of sorrow threatened to drown Mohini's resolve to survive and to save her ship. How many of the joyous faces that once graced these halls were now alive?

A series of clanks drew her attention. It could be the monstrous creation that was once Sudhir tracking her.

I need to hurry, she said softly.

She tiptoed on the corridor which housed the crew cabins on both sides. She scanned the name boards and eventually found Ravi Tandon's room. She punched in the master key code and entered the room.

She anxiously surveyed the room for the sealant gun.

Mohini's scent guided the demon to the crew quarters. It was angry that the little worm had escaped its grasp during the encounter on the bridge.

Agasura loathed the weak body it was forced to possess.

Humans. They smelled of weakness and apathy and delicate sentiments.

It was grateful that it could experience the mortal world again, but wished it was in its original form - the one lost in the sands of time. The one gifted to it by the Lord of Darkness. The lord of Lies. The Lord of all things malicious.

This was but a brief glimpse. Its existence on this plane could only be guaranteed for a few days. In fact it only had a few hours before it was dragged back into the abyss of Asuraloka.

Someday, some dark acolyte might find a way to will it and its brethren to existence, in their true forms, and that too forever. But till then, this mini outing would have to do.

A little favour to Rahu, who was so dear to the Lord of the Demons.

Bastard. The little vile bastard. To think that he wielded such power.

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