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Being fully satisfied is a hard thing to achieve in life, an almost impossible thing. Many people would describe full satisfaction as a good meal or a loving relationship.
Knowing what satisfies me is what I'm trying to figure out now, in my final year of college. Soon I'll need to start my grown-up-girl life.

"Hey Laura, wait!" Eleanne, my best friend yells, running on the perfect-looking campus grass to catch up to me. We met in our freshman year and we take many classes together and I'm pretty sure we will still be friends after we both graduate.
She and her twin brother, Eleazar, are kind of rich. They don't have to work hard to afford this whole college thing, their parents pay for them. The twins have been spoiled their whole life long. Sadly, I do have to do my best though, always. I only got in here due to my scholarship and I have to keep A's to stay.

If I only I was rich.

"Omg I hate running so much Laura, how did I do track last year? Anyways, did you hear about the new biology teacher? El told me she's super strict and her grading is so bad! He dropped from a B to a D in three days!" she said, trying to catch her breath.
"You almost died during Track last year Elli, that's why you didn't do it again. And yes, I actually heard about her! I'm sharing a room with your brothers girlfriend. Or fuckbuddy, I don't even know." Eleazar was one of those handsome football players that have a new girlfriend every few weeks. It feels like every single girl in our grade was with him by now, except a few people. I mean, I would totally let him fuck me, he has a nice body and a great smile.

If only he wouldn't have a dick.

"Oh true. Almost forgot about the passing out and breaking my leg thing. We should go to class now it's late and I don't want her to think I'm someone who always is late!"
"You are always late tho." I added before fixing my backpack that was slowly wandering down my shoulder to follow Elli to our first biology class this year.

"Everyone please take a seat. I'm your new biology teacher for this year. My name is Ms. Kim and I was teaching at LRU the past few years. I would like to start with some basics for now, please take notes, you will need them tomorrow." The tall, thin looking lady explained. She was young, not older than 30, and very tall. Her dark, wavy hair was falling gracefully over her shoulders and everything about her screamed rich.

She was attractive as fuck.

Ms.Kim started explained the PowerPoint she was showing us with stuff that we should have done in the past years. At least that's what she said. I have never seen that stuff in my whole life.
Maybe I have seen it before and I just can't focus because her voice sounds extremely sexy.
I tried to keep taking notes and read them again in the evening when she isn't in front of my eyes anymore. Looking through the classroom some of the boys had a hard time focusing as well.

Oh damn, I'm on the same level as the stupid football boys who get tons of concussions every single season.

Realizing that fact finally brought me back into reality and I was able to focus on the PowerPoint instead of the goddess in front of me. I even got some of the stuff she explained but some of it was years ago and I just couldn't remember anymore.
"Okay guys I hope everyone got their notes. That's what will help you to understand the coming months of this class. It won't be easy but it will be helpful. Everyone please be here tomorrow we will have a test about the notes you took today. Everyone except Gilbert Joe Jones, Mariella Jane Anderson and Laura Ann Hillfield may leave now."

My eyes widened at my name being called. I never have to stay after class because my grades have always been excellent. Not to sound arrogant but I'm pretty smart.
"I'll wait for you in the restaurant, text me when you're on your way!" Elli said before leaving me alone with that hot mess. I wasn't actually alone but I felt like I was.

Quickly grabbing my stuff I made my way down to her table. A small smile crossed my face seeing her perfectly organized desk. I loved organized things, everything needs to be perfect and neatly done to make me happy. I sometimes write essays numerous times because it doesn't feel organized enough.

"Okay I called the three of you after class because you all have amazing grades. If you wouldn't mind I would like you to stay for a few more minutes and look at this other PowerPoint I made. I don't want that test to be too easy and I want to see how smart you actually are so i would like to add these topics to your tests. Is that okay?"
Ms.Kim started showing us a list of a few extra topics that seemed pretty easy to understand. I skipped the description and started nodding my head. Gilbert and Mariella joined my nodding. Both of them are very good students but I don't like them. They are study smart but not life smart. They study a lot and that's how they get their grades. Some people even think Mariella sucked the dick of our old biology teacher and I can totally understand that assumption.

"Words." Ms.Kim's harsh voice cut the air. She sounded mad as fuck.
"Yes that's fine with me Ms.Kim" I quickly added, feeling butterflies in my stomach once she looked me in my eyes. She had beautiful dark brown eyes. If I had to guess I'd say she's half Korean.
She gave me a small smirk which caused me to look away and at the same time Gilbert and Mariella answered as well.

I'm such a slut. I would let her do whatever she wants with me.

Maybe I should get a little club night this weekend.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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