Tangled in the lights

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During all chapters they will be based on the fanarts provided at the top of the chapters, Unless I get at a miraculous surge of inspiration 😂. I'm also going to base this in season 2

Mike's POV

"Absolutely!" I answered not realising just how noticeably excited I was to be going over to Will's to decorate for christmas. It is a bit of a trigger for Will, as when he was in the upside down he had to use the lights. I like being able to help him, he is so sweet and he didn't deserve any of it.

"Ok, great" Will shouted before running to the car to meet with Joyce. I was so excited I rode home to start packing.

~time skip to Mike showing up at Will's~

3rd person

"Bye mum" Mike said whilst jumping out of the car and heading to knock on the door, "Hey Mike, Will's just in the shed getting the supplies" Joyce mentioned pointing towards the old shed just beside the house "I'm just going to talk to your mum for a bit".

Mike was already dropping his bags and making his way to the shed. "Will the wise" Mike says in a bad British accent when bowing rather poshly.

Both boys beaming with happiness pulled each other in for a hug leading to them both chuckling at the height of the other.

"So small" Mike said rustling Will's hair and giggling at his comment.

"Hey! No fair, you're just tall" Will wines before grasping the taller boys hand and bringing him to the box's on the other side of the shed. Without a word each grabs a box, one filled with ornaments and the other with tinsel. Jonathan had already taken the tree box in as it is quite heavy.


"C'mon Mike I told you we have to put the tree up first.. then the ornaments on and off the tree." Will spoke with annoyance seeping from his voice, Mike wasn't exactly making this easy for either of them.

Will's POV

I swear... he can be so annoying sometimes but it always annoys me even more that he manages to get out of it every time he brushes my hand, hugs me, or ruffles my hair. I hate having such a weakness and for my best friend, straight best friend .

"Fine fine" slips from his beautiful lips as he reaches his hand over and moves the hair away from my eyes, oh no I can feel my cheeks starting to heat up I must look like a tomato to him now.

"Anything for you" he smirks.... Sleezy Michael Wheeler.

Once he released he hand from my face we began to open up the tree box, this tree was as old as Egypt it looked like. The silence was almost unbearable so what else could I do, I found one of Jonathan's Christmas tapes and played it through the speakers. I love Christmas, especially Christmas music.

The tree was up in no time but that just left the lights, I found it awfully hard to forget the darkness and terror in the upside down. The lights truly bother me but I don't really understand why.

'It's Christmas time, there's no need to be afraid, At Christmas time, we let in light and we banish shade'

This is our favourite carol and it was perfect timing too, it made me feel a bit better but what made me feel even better was Mike and his awful slow dancing with the lights.

"Mike c'mon we have to put them up" I tried to stay serious but he was so cute and the way the colourful lights illuminate his face, I just couldn't help but smile. I began to rush over to Mike to stop him, I wanted to get this done so I could show him some of my new drawings.

"Mike" I whined making my way to the dancing boy radiant as ever.

I grabbed a couple strands of lights but then I did something so clumsy, even for me. I sent us both tripping around the lounge room, I tripped over Mike's feet and we almost fell to the ground when I felt a hand on my back. I'm too nervous to look up... I could already feel just how close our faces sat.

Mike's POV

I can't believe it, the lights so tangled around us both that the lights were so damn bright. He just looks so pretty right now and the blush playing at his cheeks as I noticed the obvious avoidance of eye contact.

I can already tell I was blushing just as much, truth is I've like Will since nearly the first day we met. Was he uncomfortable? No stop brain and before I could sike myself out yet again.

I placed my free hand that wasn't currently holding us both up under his chin and began to lift his face towards me.

God my heart is racing about to flight out of my chest.

I pulled him forwards closing the gap between us, his lips are so soft and takes like candy canes. I could tell he was uncomfortable he wasn't even kissing me back, I'm just a freak.

I quickly pulled away "I- Uh sorry Will I shouldn't have done that" I blurt out almost in tears.

I was about to let go before I felt his hands wrap around my neck, he is an amazing kisser. I was shocked at first but returned it and I just wish I could live in this moment forever.

I love this boy, my boy, my Will the wise...

"Sorry if these aren't very good this is my first time trying this and it's a bit short but I didn't want it to be too long and drag on. I hope you like it and I would love any tips or advice 😊"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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