Chapter 3. Beyond the Vision is the Sight of Blossoms Blooming

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Jiyeon wakes up quietly and rubs her eyes; she has had a very good sleep last night. As she is feeling more awake, Jiyeon realizes that there's extraordinary warmth covering up her whole body.

It was raining in the early morning until now, Jiyeon is so glad that she called Eunjung to come inside before it started to rain or she would get very cold. The rain drops create a twinkling sound, it's like they are dancing on the roof.

When she looks up, Eunjung is still deeply asleep. For the first time, Jiyeon is seeing Eunjung as a very handsome person. How can a woman be that good looking and so protective? Jiyeon does not know what Eunjung had passed that built up this strong personality trait.

Inside of Eunjung's embrace, Jiyeon's body is curled up, her forehead touches Eunjung's chest and Eunjung also rests her chin on Jiyeon's hair so gently. Now Jiyeon is struggling, she does not know if she should move or should stay in Eunjung's arms. This feeling is even more secured than being in the arms of the people Jiyeon used to be in love with, there's something very loving and obscure...

Jiyeon decides to stay in silence, this warmth... she might not be able to feel it again. She has wished to have an older sibling who could secure her with an embrace like this. Her eyes are closed again, this fragance will stay in Jiyeon's mind forever.

Until Eunjung starts to tighten the embrace, Jiyeon freezes. Eunjung is like a child hugging her plush, burrying her face and touching her forehead to Jiyeon's.

It was so comfortable at the beginning, but now Eunjung is making Jiyeon feel so suffocated because of the tight squeeze. She starts to gasp for air but in a helpless way. Momentarily, she thinks of a solution to this problem. If Eunjung is like a child, then the child would be obedient if we are sweet to them.

Very lightly, Jiyeon uses her hand to pat on Eunjung's back with a rhythm. This works exactly like how Jiyeon wants it to be, and Eunjung releases her right the way. However, her face is still very close to Jiyeon's as if they are sharing the oxygen together.

The situation is getting more awkward as Jiyeon tries to scoot away from Eunjung because she thinks it is such a suspicious position that the two of them are in. Strangers... No, neighbors shouldn't be doing this to each other, they don't know anything about each other yet.

If anyone gets to know Eunjung, she likes to sleep more than she likes to eat. As for Jiyeon, she does not like to sleep a lot, but food for her is an element of paradise, she can eat a surprising amount of food.

Truthfully, this is the first time Eunjung is sleeping with someone since she was five years old. However, it depends on the person to make Eunjung feel heartily opened. The rain drops make every grid of space in the room become so musical, which will make Eunjung sleep more safe and sound.

Quietly, Eunjung turns away from facing Jiyeon. Now she is lying on her back, maybe she got sore from laying on one side only. Jiyeon sighs, she is relieved that the situation is not awkward anymore, but it changes to disappointment after that.

That discomfort is actually comfort when Eunjung had her curling like a little kitty in her embrace. There was hesitation and reluctance but it was a unique feeling...

Jiyeon is feeling as if she has lost something rare and precious... It is so frustrating.

While Jiyeon lays there and pouts her lips, she does not know that the broad-shoulder woman next to her already woke up and noticed her movement. Eunjung tries not to giggle too loud and she smiles very gently instead. Why is this neighbor so adorable with many different sides to her personality?

"Did you have a good sleep, Jiyeon-ssi?"

Suddently, Eunjung turns and faces Jiyeon, looking directly into her eyes. She pillows her head with her own arm, which makes Eunjung become even more charismatic than usual.

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