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"I....impossible.. a weakling like you." managed to say Darth Lachris as she collapsed on the ground dead. well that went better than expected."said Zenith as he returned rifle on his back. "The prey was weaker than expected from a sith lord." spoke Qyzen as he tore earrings from her ears and claimed them as a trophy. "She died, however I can still sense dark presence somewhere nearby."said Prinneen as she turned to Qyzen with a worried look on her face. "Anyway we secured president Galthe, we have everything we need to sign Tai into power." said Zenith as he stared at large screen to their right. Suddenly explosion shook through the facility. "Zenith! Get Galthe to a safehouse, Qyzen with me!"yelled Prinneen as she ran towards the elevator.

The shuttle landed on the ground into surroundings of the Balmorra Arms factory. As the shuttle landed the members of the Havoc squad jumped out and started shooting imperials around the landing site. "Site secured, sir."saluted Sergeant Aric Jorgan. "Aric stay here with MX and keep the site secured, Elara you are coming with me inside." said Avannus as he reloaded his rifle. "Let's move go, go, go!"yelled Avannus as he put on his orange-white helmet.

Prinneen ran through the corridors of Balmorran Arms accompanied by Qyzen. Suddenly imperial patrol walked from behind the corner. Prinneen activated her lightsaber and deflected incoming projectiles. Qyzen took out his techblade and leapt at the nearby guard. Qyzen struck him down with one blow, while Prinneen then used her telekinetic wave to throw the others into the wall. The beat up imperials lied on the floor. "Herald there is a message on the holo."said Qyzen as he took the holocommunicator from his pocket. "This is Sergeant Aric Jorgan from the Republic military, we have been surrounded by the imps, requesting imediate assistance." Said the the man on the holo accompanied with sound of an explosion.

"Dammit the door is locked and we don't have enought firepower to take it out." said Avannus with a hint of anger  in his voice. "Sir we can't get out but the elevator to the Barrager lab is just ahead, we can still secure the objective."stated Elara calmly. "Very well , it s not like we have any other options." said Avannus as he put out his holocommunicator.

"Aric this is Avannus we can't reach your position fall back to the nearest Republic settlement."

"Sir we are surrounded, I have already sent distress call to all republic frequencies but it looks like nobody is coming."

After that sentence a big explosion was heard and the signal was lost.

"Hang in there sergeant."muttered Avannus to himself.

"Sir, maybe the scientist in the Barrager lab can open the door"said Elara.

"Let's move sergeant Dorne." said Avannus as readied his rifle.

Prinneen quickly ran outside throught the large door of Balmorran Arms, Qyzen right behind her. She heard sound of firing blasters and knew they were headed the right direction. She saw imperials surrounding Republic soldiers fighting to the last man. "Qyzen, flush the prey!" Prinneen yelled as she activated her purple lightsaber. Qyzen jumped at the imperial guard, his vibroblade easily cutting through the red-black armor. Prinneen activated her purple lightsaber and slashed the next two imperials. They screamed in pain as they fell dead to the ground. Qyzen pulled his vibroblade from the dead imperial and cut the weapon a nearby imp had in the half. Prinneen threw her lightsaber to eliminate another attack group as Qyzen killed the first one. When her lightsaber returned she caught it and started dashing through the imps slashing each one as she passed. When she stopped the imps all fell to the ground dead. She turned off her lightsaber and returned it to her belt. She observed the destruction they have caused. Twenty imperial soldiers dead on the ground, parts of dismantled droids scattered everywhere, when their owners exploded. Prinneen walked over to the recuperating Republic soldiers. "Is everyone all right?" she asked kindly. "We are thanks to you." said soldier in red helmet. "Sergeant Aric Jorgan sir." saluted Aric. "At ease sergeant i am no military." said Prinneen with a smile. "You belong to Havoc squad , true?" "Yes sir."Suddenly Prinneen activated her lightsaber and turned around seeing human Sith walking their way. The Sith wore black robe with a cape, but you could still see her red hair. "My, my a Jedi, and here I thought that I would be bored." She then used lighting to knock Qyzen unconscious and pinned Republic troopers to the ground. "Qyzen!" Prinneen yelled worried. Prinneen imediately disobeyed Jedi code, she embraced the anger and said " You'll pay for that." "Oh someones angry, isn't she?" as she actived her red lightsaber. "Jedi, prepare to die!" the Sith yelled as she dashed over to Prinneen, her red lightsaber meeting the purple one. "We'll see about that said Prinneen as she gathered her strenght an pushed Sith back. "This will be interesting." said the Sith as she smiled.

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