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Living with Pride had been interesting. The living embodiment of a deadly sin was an obstacle to fucntion around to say the least. Thomas had discovered quickly that no one else could see Pride when.. well.

"Pride! What are you- this is a Walmart! Go- people will see you!" Thomas whispered. Pride looked around, making sure he was in Thomas's view when he walked straight up to a woman and then wandered straight through her.

"Okay, maybe they can't, but I can't look crazy talking to myself in a Walmart. Florida already has a reputation." Thomas said, Pride smirking. Thomas knew that look.

Thomas turned around to see a man looking at him, strangely. The stranger sped away after Thomas looked at him, pushing his shopping cart with him. Thomas sighed, grabbing his box of off-brand cereal and heading out of the aisle. Pride followed after, smiling smugly.

"You sure have a weird way of helping." Thomas muttered to Pride, who laughed.

Other than those few small incidents, there was minimal chaos. Which was surprising. Everything else was just little moments of inconvenience.

"Pride I swear if you tell me i'm good-looking one more time i'm going to exorcise you." Thomas said, standing in his kitchen.

Pride was leaned against his fridge, arms crossed over his chest which still held that odd little symbol. Pride pushed his glasses up his nose and shrugged slightly.

"It's objective, Thomas. You are, aesthetically speaking, a man of good bone structure." Pride responded. Thomas glanced at the reflection of his face in the tv screen in the living room.

"I... suppose." Thomas replied, shaking his head a little.

It was so odd. Everything about this situation was not what Thomas had expected out of his mid thirties. Living with the physical culmination of the sin of Pride? Not the average everyday occurence.

Pride hummed. As a sin, he did have a job to do. Riddle the world with his effect, cause his layer of destruction. But, getting the best of Lucifer? That was just plain funny. So, why not help? Pride was the best of the best, he could outdo anyone with raw talent alone! At least, that was Pride's thoughts.

Thomas thought Pride was a bit of a dick.

Thomas brushed his hair out of his face for the probably fiftieth time since he had began making breakfast. Eggs, once again. Scrambled this time however, so it wasn't really the same meal right?

"Schedule a haircut, Thomas. You deserve it hmm?" Pride said, walking over to Thomas. Thomas pursed his lips a little, thinking.

"Alright. No reason not too. I guess I deserve it but,  it's just a haircut Pride. Nothing to get excited about." Thomas replied. "I know your whole goal here."

Pride looked at Thomas, clearly not impressed.

"Oh yes? And what would that be?" Pride asked, a rhetorical question of course. Pride knew his purpose, and had no real need to hear an answer. But then suddenly Thomas was lugging a huge book to the kitchen table. The book let out a huge plume of dust as Thomas let it fall onto the table.

"Y'know while I was changing this morning I dug this out of my closet." Thomas said. Pride's eyes widened, looking over the cover of the book. It was old, bound in now-cracked black leather. It had a circle with eight symbols inside, seven surrounding one in the center. Written on the front was a sentence in a long dead language, and symbols in all four corners.

"Thomas... this book-"

"I've had it since I was little. My grandmother passed it down to me when she died. I never really knew why she gave it to me, and then when... and then I used it, and now here we are. I always thought the cover looked really cool." Thomas said. He ran his hand over the spine, before undoing the ribbon that held the book shut.

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