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Yang-min woke up quickly sitting on his bed looking at the clock on the wall, she got out of bed to go to the mirror to clean her face and thus pinch her cheek slightly to blush and not look like a corpse, without caring if her sister was there.


───We must go down for breakfast─── speak Yang-min looking at the two girls───. And find some food for him. I won't let him starve.

In a normal size backpack, they tried to put several trays to be able to put the breakfast food there, but not even with the effort of the three did they manage to close it, which is why Young-ro went for a huge camping backpack that they had saved.

─── What is that? ─── Yang-min asked with a frown.

───Do you want him to starve? ─── asked the youngest of the twins

───Do you want to make people suspicious because you brought a camping backpack to the rooftop? ─── the older one counterattacked

───It is the only solution

───Fine! ─── speak Yang-min───, but you will go for the double breakfast

The three girls went to the dining room to eat their breakfast, Yang-min only took her food once, but the other two had to go for an extra breakfast, which the woman from the cafeteria noticed. They helped the eldest of the twins to put the food on all those trays, as well as food that was in her room and some other things.

That was how Yang-min, without any company, left her room ─already wearing her clothes for the day─, with the huge backpack on his back to go to the roof. If it had been Young-ro, she would have gone to the bathroom to get ready before going with him, but it was Yang-min, and that wasn't necessary. Although the young woman always went to the bathroom to wash her face, that morning she just wanted to go to him so she wouldn't be so hungry.

She quickly went up to the roof where she went to the room where the young man was, she smiled before she could knock gently on the door, the young man did not open the door because of the blows, so he whispered a little: "It's me. I'm Yang-min."

The young man opened the door slowly as he looked up from her to her, who smiled holding the straps of the backpack, quickly entered while he closed the door very carefully, avoiding making too much noise.

─── Do you know something? ─── asked Yang-min───, we must invent a code. Do not you believe it? ───He raised his eyebrows in confusion, she made several taps on her hand as a touch code───If you hear two small taps and then three, it's me, Yang-min. And you must open the door immediately, okay?

He analyzed how she pointed at him with her index finger while frowning slightly, that made him feel tender for her so he smiled in agreement.


───Okay, come on─── she spoke, walking for a blanket to place on the floor so they could sit down ─── I brought some food, because surely you haven't eaten anything

Yang-min began to take the food out of her backpack so that they could leave it between the two of them, since he had taken a seat in front of her, leaving at least a meter away so that she could put everything she brought.

───Eat, you must eat to recover

The young woman handed him a plate smiling slightly, he took it while she served a drink in a cup, he looked at the plate of food to see the young woman again, who kept looking at the food she brought. It was there that he asked a question that caused her to frown.

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