𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦-𝑜𝑛𝑒

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[ Chapter Thirty-One ]

Fire And Blood

Blood splashed onto Preston's face after cutting the demon's head off with an axe. She wiped a small portion of blood off the right side of her jaw. Preston felt weak. Not weak as in the demon was more powerful than her; she was ready to drop to the ground because she had lost enough blood.

Her vision started to blur and black started to close in to block her view. She blinked and she had to lean against the metal wall. Preston slowly slid down the shed wall and she tilted her head up. Why she thought that was a good idea, she had no clue. But she felt the blood rushing through her entire body from then on.

There was an emergency in which Preston had to step away from her friends and Elena. A demon showed up in Mystic Falls and she had to deal with it before word got out. But she knew there was something off about it from the second she saw it.


As she carefully walked into the open area, she saw a metal bunker. The doors were open, which was never a good sign. But, she was a Winchester, meaning that she did reckless and impulsive things.

"Alright, you son of a bitch! Where the hell are you?" Preston shouted.

She should have brought a flashlight, but she did not. Her eyes trailed around the lot. Preston squinted her eyes to try to see the form of what looked like a poorly drawing done by a 3-year old.
Before she knew it, her back collided with the cold pavement. The rain from the night before didn't exactly make the landing softer.

Her arm felt a small tingle, causing her to look down. Preston had grown used to being murdered many different ways— that's why if she hadn't of looked down she wouldn't have known that her arm was on fire. She heard a random screech from a feminine voice. "Shit."

Preston pushed herself up off the ground and ran like hell. It hurt; her legs felt weak, like there was no point in moving. But then Dean's voice rang in head with the quote: saving people, hunting things, the family business. Then she saw who it was in pain. Then she really ran like hell.

But then she really saw who it was. She wanted to stop running. Preston didn't really care about Katherine, but there was the possibility of her helping the group against Klaus.


Preston looked from Katherine to the demon. "Look, I know I screw up a lot. I ain't perfect, I'm far from it. And I might despise Katherine with my heart, she tried to kill the girl I'm in love with, but she didn't do anything, okay? So, if you're gonna kill me, just get it over with." She told the demon.

Katherine looked at her with pure confusion. "But— you don't even know if you'll come back."

"If I come back, I come back. If I don't, that's fine." Preston sighed. She looked at Katherine. "I'm trying to let you live so you can help Elena. That is all I care about."

Preston looked back at the demon with her arms open. "Kill me. Do it. I'll go to hell again and again." She said, awaiting death.

With the demon's attention turned towards Preston, Katherine pushed herself off the ground and stood beside the hunter. Both dodged a narrow attack of energy when it came from behind them. They turned to look at the person.

"It's not dead, but neither of you are dying today."

"Meredith Nicole Carson." Katherine stated.

"Since it isn't dead yet, here—" Meredith threw an axe towards Preston, "use this, cut its head off and run."


A pool of blood started to surround Preston. Her vision got worse and her pain intensified. She let out a groan as she went to move. She felt extreme nausea and her head started to pound.

Katherine and Meredith were nowhere to be seen and Preston felt like she was going to faint. Blood dripped from her mouth and her nose. The axe fell from her hands and right beside her, leaving a large scratch on her leg, leaving a tear in her jeans.

Her eyes started to close, but she heard a voice. A voice that was trying to get her to stay awake, but she couldn't. Preston's eyes felt heavy, too heavy to stay open.


The demon was like a super demon. It was far too powerful for a normal demon. Preston was trying to find it, but she also was hiding. Katherine was escorted back to the Salvatore Boarding House by Meredith. "Where the hell is it?" She muttered.

Preston's train of thought was broken when a mist of black darkness formed into a 'person'.

It was her turn to let out a scream of pain & agony. Usually she didn't get hurt. She thought she was so used to pain that it numbed the feeling of almost everything.


"PRESTON! WAKE UP, PLEASE!" It was Elena's voice that cried for her. But Preston couldn't meet her eyes. It was painful, but she just couldn't.


Preston had blood dripping all over her clothes and parts of her body. It stuck like glue. She was losing too much blood, any more and she could drop.

She found a spot to hide behind the metal bunker. And then she saw the demon.

Preston's hands wrapped around the axe's stick, and she brought it up to the demon's throat. She swung the axe and the head was chopped off.


Elena looked at Preston's dying body. Her face was pale, her discoloured fingertips were partially bluish-purple. Blood dripped down from her face. Her nails were chipped, not that they had any paint on them, but they were now stained with blood.

"Please don't leave me." Elena choked on sobs.

Preston didn't answer, she couldn't. Elena knew of Preston's dying days, she knew the Winchesters had a reputation of dying. But this, having to be holding her dying body... Elena's face was stained with dry tears, lines of new tears followed.

Alright, and next up is the epilogue for this act.

Preston saying Elena is the girl she's in love with 🤝 Elena cradling Preston's dying body saying 'please don't leave me'.

Okay, bye!

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