Untitled Part 3

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When you get downstairs to dinner you don't see Tony so you grab a plate, get a few things on it, and sit beside Nat.

"Why was Loki in your room?" she asks.

"For some reason, his key worked for my door! He was in my shower when I got in there. I'm going to ask Tony about it when he gets down here."

"Tony isn't coming today; he's getting everything ready for our mission in a couple days."

"Fantastic, hopefully Loki isn't in there anymore, but, our rooms being right next to each other it's hard to say."

You and Nat discuss the training from today and Nat gives you some pointers on what to pack for the mission since it's your first one as Steve comes and sits next to you.

The three of you talk about the upcoming mission and Steve and Nat discuss where they believe you guys will be going this time.

After dinner you get to your room and get changed and begin packing your things for the impending trip, after you pack you lay on your bed and watch TV for a bit when a call comes through on your phone, when you answer its F.R.I.D.A.Y. telling you to be ready to leave in the morning at 8:00AM and to meet in the foyer.

When you wake up in the morning you head out of your room with all your bags and head downstairs to the foyer to get ready to leave whenever Tony tells you guys to load up. As you are standing with your things waiting you see Loki walking over to you with a small duffel bag that looks a lot like yours.

"I believe you left this in the hallway." He states, handing the bag to you.

"Oh, thank you." You say reaching out your arm to take the bag from him.

Tony walks in to the foyer, "Everybody here?"

He looks around and counts everyone and then tells everyone to grab their things and head onto the Helicarrier so you guys can head out to your mission; he gives out key cards with numbers on them for your rooms for when you arrive.

You put in your headphones and listen to music on the way there and end up falling asleep, when you arrive Tony tells everyone to head to their rooms to get situated and ready for tomorrow, your things will be brought to your rooms momentarily. Tony states everyone will have a roommate and you figured yours would be Nat so you just head up. When you get to your room you notice a bed and a pull out bed, you lay on the bed because you figure Nat won't be up for a while when the door opens, Loki walks in and looks at you, confused.

"What are you doing in here?" you ask.

"I could as you the same thing." He responds snarkly.

"Well, once again, this is MY room."

"Well, this is also MY room." He responds, holding out his key card and showing a matching one to yours.


"I'll be right back." You say, getting up and heading for the door.

"It won't do you any good, I already talked to him we are the only two left, I usually room alone so, you're stuck with me."

You huff in annoyance and sit back down on the bed heavily.

"I get the bed then." You state with a smile.

Loki looks over to the couch bed and then back at you, "Why should you get it? I've been here longer plus, I'm a God."

You laugh, "I was here first, you snooze you lose."

Loki smiles and rolls his eyes, turning away and heading to the bathroom, "Fine you can have it tonight."

"Tonight?" you ask as he shuts the bathroom door behind him and you hear the water turn on.

You get changed into your pajamas which are a pair of shorts and a t-shirt considering you didn't know you would have a roommate let alone a man. After you change you get covered up so he can't see you when he gets out of the bathroom.

The next morning you are awoken by the usual wakeup call and get up out of bed and go to the bathroom to brush your teeth only to realize you are still in your shirts and t-shirt and notice Loki standing in the bathroom brushing his teeth when you get in there. He looks over to you with a toothbrush in his mouth, looking you up from your feet, raking his eyes over your body, his eyes finally meeting yours.

"I'm sorry, I can wait." You say, feeling your cheeks flush.

Loki shakes his head and scoots himself over, giving you room at the sink to brush your teeth as well.

You smile and begin brushing your teeth as well, finishing up and then going and getting everything together so you can get dressed and ready to go. Once Loki leaves the room, you get dressed and head down to meet with everyone before Tony ships you guys out for your mission.

Unfortunately for this mission you wait in the Hellicarrier for anyone who needs help or is injured, which is super boring.

As you're sitting waiting to be needed you see Loki, staggering towards the Hellicarrier, before falling to the ground. You rush out to get him and bring him inside. Loki is barely able to speak and is holding his left side.

"Loki, I need to see." You say, gently moving his hand from his side. Through his clothes all you can see is blood, on his hand and on this side, with an entry point through his shirt. You pull his shirt up to his chest, revealing his stomach and look over on his side, he has a pretty big gash there and you need to stop the bleeding and get it bandaged up.

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