21- cause of death

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Savio's POV

I look down at the little she devil asleep on my chest as fast five plays on the tv. She didn't make it halfway through before giving in to sleep. I rub my jaw, God I don't know what to make of her.

At first, I was caught off guard, I didn't know someone could be as innocent as she is. I thought maybe she was being paid by the Nera's to trick me or something but after seeing the way she and her brothers interacted it was clear that there was something fundamentally wrong.

Just the thought of those cowards set a rage in me unlike any other. Don't get me started on that little dweeb Marco, if Tom didn't already end him I would have shown him a real world of pain and agony. Woman beaters are one thing but to try and violate someone in such a way? If I can't take out revenge on him for my piccolo corvo I will take it out on each and every last person merely associated with the; 'Rivers'.

A light snore escapes Marcella and I glance down at her, God she is going to ruin me. And I would fucking let her.

My mind goes back to her earlier panic over being pregnant and her brothers finding out. I didn't get it at all, she is so quiet and she has slept with someone while being abused? Something feels a bit off to me about the whole thing, I'm going to talk to my dad and Bex to see what they think.

It's not normal the way she gripped onto me out of fear. When her father turned up she seemed out of her mind, scared, but she was overly attached to him days before. What on earth happened to this girl?

Sighing I pick her up, she weighs hardly anything. I leave the movie room with her in my arms, making it to the stairs when one of her dickhead brothers turns up, Vito.

"Fuck you doing with my sister?" Vito sets his eyes on me, walking fast.

"Putting her to bed what does it look like dumb fuck." I roll my eyes at him and notice his are dilated. "Are you fucking high again."

"Nah, well-done bitch boy. Want a medal?" He laughed thinking his words affected me.

I shake my head at him, my smile twisting as I hold myself back, "You're lucky," I grunt, wanting nothing more than to lay him out. If she wasn't in my arms in that moment, I'd of done it.

I jog up the stairs and get her into bed, tucking her in as she curls into herself. Her socks peaking under the covers and I pull the blanket over them.

What the fuck am I doing? I rub my jaw as I stare at her and sigh. Whatever this is, can't happen. Innocent or not, she is still a Nera. I leave her room and close the door behind me before taking myself to bed. Her scent envelops me, she's the last thing I think of before I fall asleep.

I groan as the shrill ringing of my phone wakes me, I answer the call, "Yo V I've got info that you're going to like," The snarky voice of my closest friend Knox boasts.

I wince at the volume of his voice, what fucking time is it?

I groan as I sit up, "Yeah what?" I ask him as I pull on a random pair of jeans and a shirt, heading down to Bex's room.

"Well, you see a little birdy that I met last night was really really drunk and she just kept blubbering on and on. Talking about some dude that she-"

I cut him off as I open Bex's door, "Bex?" I shake her awake, "We have to go meet Knox, you know how he feels about coming around here."

"Bex?!" Knox groaned through the phone.

I just grunted in response, they both hated each other but then could be seen together pulling pranks on recruits. It really depends what day of the week it is and how they would behave toward one another.

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