Chapter 13:lone heart and reunion

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*at cliff within mountain area in Reno wildlife Park*

Puniko:*look at sky*Lilla


Puniko:Lilla..what good name for our team?

Lilla:what about L Guard

Botako:sound like Elgard

Lilla:what about Elgar-dian


Indrex:yeah..good name...*heard men scream for help*what's matter?

Men:there is many monsters led by three wolf Demi-Beasts

Leto:Wolf Demi-Beasts?

Lilla:OK..we should stop them from wrecking havoc


Vajramon:its our duty to make sure safety is occurred


*flashback end*

Puniko:*sigh while crying*


Birda:its OK..hope she will see you

*at moments*

Sparrowmon:*arrive and give it*this is from Lilla

Puniko:*Read it*"Puniko..sorry if I've was weak..I've want to hang out until we meet new of them will help you..his name is Paoko...from Lilla Lestari"


Puniko:well...we should visit her

Sparrowmon:how?..we not know current location..the one give this is from pigeon

Puniko:damn it

*at suddenly*

Fiota:maybe we can help

Swanmon:hey Sparrowmon

Sparrowmon:Swanmon OwO

Fiota:we can ask someone they know

Puniko:so..what are we waiting for

*so they ask one of CannonBeemon to take them to find someone know Egypt*

Aligon:yeah..she is adventurer but everyone know her as Rebel Adventurer..that's why we really need to keep eye on them...Benny told me that

Puniko:next destination

*so they heading towards dubai..Syria..China..France.. and also Africa...but no information on current location*

Puniko:*exhausted*what a bummer..we hope we-*feel shaken*what the?!

*as they see what cause it...they found what cause it*

Many boulders:*hitting CannonBeemon*

Puniko:I've can't Digivolve without Lilla!


Yuzu:*use her Digivice*

Birda:Piyomon Digivolve to!..*Digivolve into Birdramon*Birdramon!

*so they take care of many boulders*

Sparrowmon:*fire laser*

Birda:Meteor Wing!*use it to counteract*

*but both boulders were pass and one of it broke the window and other one hit shaken Puniko off*

Sparrowmon and Birda:Puniko!

Puniko:aaaah!..*grabbed by something and saw it*Lilla!

Lilla:what are you doing here?!

Puniko:but we will fall!

Lilla:not even we will..right Paoko

Paoko:*as Dobermon*yeah

*as Paoko strangely landing on the aircraft*

Lilla:*heard someone "Lilla" and look at*..Kria

Kria:we better deal with those Dark Adventurers that use catapults

Puniko:are they the one attack us?!


*as they will catapulting..something attack them*

Puniko:*saw it*guy's

Botako:*as Greymon*Lena worried about you..glad we able detect CannonBeemon Digicore

Many DWDF Digimons:*heading towards them*

Many Dark Adventurers:*try to run away but blocked by Alex and his Co.*?!

Axe:you were under arrest for using weapons to harming innocent!

*so they manage handle it..but*

Many Fangmons:*appear from different directions and attack*

Alex:we been ambushed!?

Both Fangmons:*hit Paoko causing Lilla dismount*


Lilla:*saw one of them ready for attack*huh?!

Puniko:Lilla!*Digivolve into Garurumon and bash it while realize*..what the?

Swanmon:you Digivolve

Lilla:*look at her Digivice*maybe..this is because we still partner


Puniko:no..thanks for take care Lilla

*so they fight..side by side*

Many Fangmons:*retreat*

Alex:what a worst

Lulu:meow!💢..why they attacking us!?

Alex:dumb kitty

Lilla:well...tell mom that I've was fine

Puniko:*as Gabumon*we will tell her that you will continue your adventure


Paoko:*as Labramon*yeah

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