Chapter 27:the Titans, whale Demi-Beast

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*at police office*

Inspector Oniyama:last night..there is sight of giants at causing workers scared and unable to work


Ginko:I've assumed that was big Digimon pranks

Fishermen(M):of course not!..I've saw it with my own eyes!...they were appear from the sea!

Inspector Oniyama:seriously?!

*at public*

Many peoples and Demi-Beasts:*look at poster of mystery giant sighted in harbour*

*at woods*

Flonita:*read articles about sightings of giants*

"It's been long time since the primordial time"

Flonita:*saw it*?!

Wolster:*punch her stomach*

Flonita:*feel pain*

*at harbour*

Leto:how is the others?

Indrap:they were at Demi-Beast shelter

Dogaj:since they were also engineered created by Zabaki..we will make adoption campaign



Linna:let's focusing on our mission

*at warehouse*

Botako:whoever make that hole is big..big as me when I've was Greymon or maybe bigger

Puniko:thanks for your help

Lenzo:we do because we need to be stronger to reclaim my kingdom

Paoko:*look at giant footprint*it's different from big Digimons...Azuro

Azuro:*as Azure Tyrannomon while show his feet*

Lilla:they were right...they footprint is different from other big Digimons

Leto:and bipedal

Azuro:*heard a crash*?..*turn around and saw something*huh?!


Azuro:*chase it*

*at outside*

??:*went to the water*

Lenzo:what was that?

Azuro:idk..but it wasn't Digimon..instead it was...


Leto:*arrive*what's going on?!

Lenzo:we know what the giant is...that was Demi-Beast

Lilla:Demi-Beast with that size?!

Takeru:what animal that Demi-Beast are?


"Demi-Beast I've saw were actually whale"

*it causing them went shocked*

All of them:a whale?!

*so they went to the Beastaria to find information about whale Demi-Beast by meeting with Marima*

Marima:well...apparently they used to live in Northern but tropical area where abundance large fishes


Marima:we call those Demi-Beasts as the Titans

Lenzo:explain to us?


"After 13000 years ago..after the White Witch make our ancestor as Demi-Beasts, name meaning is incomplete the same time as Egypt..there was group of massive whale Demi-Beasts roaming around among any Demi-Beasts...because of their size however causing conflict happens..many of them from both sides were killed as victims of casualties...few centuries later..they heading to the north where hot beach and cold iceberg that were not far from there...after that..many mural of their appearance were widespread..inspired our myth and legends....for cases..they also went to the human world.. causing legends at there also appeared" thats how legend about giant were appear

Marima:yeah...they also have hatred for humans after they witness their animal brethren been hunted

Maria:so that's how?


*at uninhabited Island*

??:*look around*

"What's matter Waleo"

Waleo:?!..*look at it*Okagure


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