Chapter 9-Return

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The next morning you woke up around six. You'd packed everything the night before. You quickly changed and got ready for the day, eating a small breakfast and preparing a small meal for Jared when he got up. You double and triple checked you had everything you needed before nodding to yourself, satisfied. Though you would probably learn you forgot something mid-trip. Because that always happened.

A book that you'd earlier balanced on the edge of the counter out of pure boredom finally fell, making a loud noise that caused you to jump. "Son of a bitch! Why would you do that to me? You're not even a good book!" You insulated the book. "What's wrong with you? Talking to inanimate object? Wait. Now I'm just talking to myself. Oh shut up!" You yelled at yourself then shook yourself off and went to go pick up the book.

"What did I just witness.?" Jared stood in the hall, still in his pajamas, looking at you confused.

"Never mind that. I made you food, eat and change. I leave in an hour and my fathers will be coming over to bid me goodbye."

"Ah, alright then." He went to the kitchen to get the food you'd prepared and ate quickly, then disappeared back into the bedroom to change.

Soon an hour had gone by and your fathers knocked at exactly eight, as requested. You'd always preferred people to be right on time rather than early or late. Now that you think of it, that might be an ymbryne thing.

"I'm gonna miss you kiddo." Dad pulled you into a rather short hug. He didn't talk much, but when he did he always spoke his mind, even when he'd rather not admit things.

"I'll miss you too. Both of you." You clarified at Papa's hurt expression. He chuckled and came over to hug you next.

They both soon left, leaving you alone with Jared one last time. "Have a safe trip, okay? And if you ever want to, feel free to visit." He smiled. "And I wish you good luck with that headmistress."

"Stay out of my head!" You scolded him. "And I'll be just fine. But I'll miss this place." You looked around the house. "I should be off now, I want to arrive on time."

"Sure. But there isn't really a set time. You didn't exactly tell her you were coming."


"Right, I'm out of your head. Sorry."

You sighed. "I'm arriving on a time I set in my mind for my own sanity. You know how I am with timing. Now goodbye."

"Buh bye." He smiled at you and you flashed him one back before making your way out of the house with all your things stuffed into three bags.

—Timeskip! I'm lazy don't judge me.—

The trip took a day and a half, multiple train rides, and now you were sat on the ferry headed to Cairnholm. You were anxiously tapping your foot as you sat on the damp ferry. There were only two other people there, which was a relief to you because you don't think you would've been able to handle a crowd at the moment. Maybe you should've told Alma when you were coming. What if she turned you away at the door? What if something happened in your time away? Would she be upset with you for your sudden arrival?

It wasn't really the best time to overthink your trip, as it was now much to late to go back. You began walking to the house after finally getting off the ferry. You were more than glad to get away from the boat that smelled of fish and the sea. The walk wasn't very fun. You were both anxious and excited to get to the home and had half the mind to turn around and go home. Your luggage felt heavier with each step and you could wait to be rid of it.

You finally arrived in the clearing and made your way through the garden. Admirer int the topiary's as you went. You even noticed some of the new flowers you'd gotten Fiona growing there. You were happy she liked them. Soon you stood on the porch to the home debating one last time if you should knock or just retreat back to London.

With one final deep breath you knocked. You heard heels clicking on a wooden floor grow louder and louder until they were directly on the other side of the door. Not a moment later it opened. Alma stood on the other side, looking over you with a glare. "Y/n. You didn't tell me you were coming."

"Right, sorry about that. I wanted to surprise you. Are you surprised?" You couldn't help but grin at her.

She grinned back, and very suddenly lunged towards you, hitting you with the force of her whole body in a tight hug. "Very surprised." She said into your shoulder. You nearly fell over but quickly regained your balance and hugged her back. "I missed you." She said as she finally pulled away, though her hands remained on her arms.

"I missed you too. Now, where are those gremlins at?"

"The backyard. I can take your luggage to the guest room if you want to go see them." The glanced at your three bags, then back at you, and then looked back at the bags once more. "Why on earth did you bring so much luggage for a visit?"

"Well I was hoping, if your offer still stands, that I could stay here? Permanently?" You were suddenly very nervous but a large grin had appeared on Alma's face.

"Of course you can! You're always welcome here." She swept you into a second tight hug. "Now, go visit with the children. We can catch up later." She took your bags from you and shooed you away.


I slept all day and I'm still tired. Why am I like this? 969 words tho lol

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