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"Why me though?!" Tobio said experatedly, "Because you have the most experience besides me, and Alisa's trying to teach Lev how things work." Miwa explained for the fifth time that day, she didn't understand why her little brother was so upset about having to guide the new hire. "It's not like you've actually explained why you don't wanna teach the guy." She said, perplexed.
It wasn't because he didn't wanna teach a newbie how to work in a café, necessarily. No, it's because the new guy was a cute, short, fluffy-haired, muscular, ginger guy from his university's beach vollyball and swim teams. "You won't get it!!" Tobio whined,"How would you know if you haven't told me yet?" Miwa questioned, she didn't expect her question to get an answer, she didn't get one any of the four other times she had asked.
This time however, Tobio caved, hitting his forehead on the table, he exclaimed,"BECAUSE HE'S A HOT ASS JOCK FROM SCHOOL!!!" Miwa leaned back in shock, so far back she almost made herself and her chair fall to the floor. "Okay... I understand where you're coming from..." Miwa said wearily after a minute, Tobio head still against the table.
Miwa sighed, then laughed, causing Tobio to bring his head up,"Whats so funny?" Tobio said, a pout forming as he sat up and crossed his arms. "You really think I don't understand why you're so upset about this?"
Tobio look down, a bit embarrassed as he nodded. "Of course I understand!" Miwa said, a wide grin on her face. "Alisa Haiba is my girlfriend. She's literally model material. I know interacting with people you think are waaayyy out of your league is difficult, but if I could do it, you can too." Miwa smiled, fond and gentle. A smile reserved for Tobio and Alisa only. "Just try, okay? You'll need to be able to teach new hires stuff and this is the first time I'm making you do this."
Tobio sighs,"I know, and I will. I'm just..." "Nervous?" "...Yeah..." Miwa grabbed his hand, cradling it softly, like you would the head of a newborn, like Miwa always has. "Hey, I believe in you, Tobi."
Tobio smiled slightly, getting up from his chair, letting go of Miwa's hand to walk to her side of the table, pulling up out of her seat and hugging her.
"Thank you, Miwa." The older hugged back,"Of course, Tobi." The Kageyama siblings stand there hugging for little while longer, before a familiar voice came from the main part of the café,"Yahoo~, Tobio-chan! Kage-san! The cute new guy is here!~" Miwa giggled,"Well, that's our cue." Tobio sighed,"Guess it is."
Word Count: 452

It's not just coffee, it's art dumbass{A Tsukiyamakagehina Fic}Where stories live. Discover now